ps2chiper - 2012-08-23

I am having a problem reading spi flash from my rtl8196c board. This is the error I get.

jtag> detectflash 0
dev ID=0000   man ID=0000
urj_flash_amd_detect: mid 0, did 0
error: flash: mid != 0x01

Is there anyone that can lend me a hand. I saw a effort put into this rourters predicessor, the rtl8186.

This is my discovery if it helps

jtag> discovery
Detecting IR length … 5
Detecting DR length for IR 11111 … -1
Detecting DR length for IR 00000 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 00001 … 32
Detecting DR length for IR 00010 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 00011 … 32
Detecting DR length for IR 00100 … -1
Detecting DR length for IR 00101 … -1
Detecting DR length for IR 00110 … -1
Detecting DR length for IR 00111 … -1
Detecting DR length for IR 01000 … 32
Detecting DR length for IR 01001 … 32
Detecting DR length for IR 01010 … 32
Detecting DR length for IR 01011 … 96
Detecting DR length for IR 01100 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 01101 … 36
Detecting DR length for IR 01110 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 01111 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 10000 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 10001 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 10010 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 10011 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 10100 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 10101 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 10110 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 10111 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 11000 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 11001 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 11010 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 11011 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 11100 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 11101 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0
Detecting DR length for IR 11110 … warning: TDO seems to be stuck at 0