
Working on UPXshell

Im currently working on UPXshell.
And i need to change a lot.
Im going to integrate 3 UPX versions, v1.25, v2.02, v2.90 (Current Beta).
Also, im making it posible to have a custom UPX version in the root dir of UPXshell without it being the one used everytime.
So a custom upx.exe won't disable the usage of the intergrate versions.
I Have fixed a bug in detecting the external UPX version, it now supports v0.6 till v2.9, so that should cover all the versions i have encounterd.
The options window will only support v1.25 till the latest beta. So LZMA will be an option if you select the v2.90, or if you have a external version higher then v2.90.

If you have any sugestions to add to UPXshell, please tell me by submitting a feature request -> .

Posted by Dextra 2006-10-17

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