
CLI -r mapping external port

  • kmwade

    kmwade - 2011-12-05

    Thank you for this program. I tried numerous Windows cli programs and couldn't
    get any of them to work. I want to re-establish port mappings on Windows
    startup, and need a cli to do that. Unfortunately, your -r option assumes the
    user wants the same external and internal port numbers. I need to do them
    differently. Fortunately your code is extremely organized and well documented.
    It was very simple to change 'addLocalhostPortForwardings' to allow an
    external port. I also changed the default description to just read
    'PortMapper', since - at least on my router - the description string is
    limited to 32 characters or something. Since the IP and port numbers are
    already shown when listing the maps, I could live without that much detail in
    the description, even if it could all show up.

  • Christoph

    Christoph - 2011-12-05

    Thank you for your compliments! I really appreciate your feedback. If you
    like, I could integrate your patch into the program, so you can use later

  • kmwade

    kmwade - 2011-12-13

    That sounds great! I just added 'external_port' parameter between 'port' and
    'protocol' and changed the modulus from 2 to 3 on your parameter validation.
    And I changed that description as noted above.


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