
Uniform Price Markets / News: Recent posts

UPmarkets-0.1.0-alpha released

While this version actually has enough functionality to do a few things, it still needs tender loving care. <P>The software, together with another sourceforge project, PhpWebLog, is currently driving the site. <P>
If you think you can do a good job with either reengineering and beautifying the web interface, or with promoting the LinuxFutures concept, please email us at Thanks!

Posted by Tux Nugget 2000-08-08

UPmarkets 0.0.6 released! Get involved!

Check out the demo at!

As the grungy, technical economics required in the trading code come to a close, what remains now is mostly akin to developing a weblog, groupware, or other db-driven PHP app. If you want to dive into some PHP over the holiday [or longer], we could sure use you!

Posted by Tux Nugget 2000-07-03

UPmarkets-0.0.5-prealpha Released!

This version has a complete pricing function for determing the
trading price given the quotes entered by users. <P>
The pricing function, is, essentially, just using the principle of supply and demand, with the formalization of the specific rules by Shubik[1976] and later tests by Smith[1982] and others. <P>

These guys, being economists, didn't release a formal algorithm, so you have to try and trust my coding skills :-) <P>... read more

Posted by Tux Nugget 2000-07-02

UPmarkets-0.0.4-prealpha released!

While obviously not a finished product, we now have a market pricing rule fairly well explained in the code. See the README and the inc.d/f_economy* files for details.

Posted by Tux Nugget 2000-07-01

UPmarkets-0.0.3 released!

Still doesn't do much - but it is coming along. Maybe 15 percent done now. <P>
Need to add quote entry and market pricing, then bring it up for testing. <P>

Posted by Tux Nugget 2000-06-30

UPmarkets-0.0.2 released!

Wow. Wee <P>
It is now 11% done instead of just 10%. <P>
See the README file for details.

Posted by Tux Nugget 2000-06-29

Imagine betting on software features, rel. dates,...

[For the time impaired, this is a help wanted for PHP4/MySQL folks with an interest in markets, trading, or games].

Not real money, silly. That would be illegal. Tux Nuggets.

A funny money, of no real value, to use for discussing or guessing or just plain taking advantadge of that special
information you have as a project insider. This last sentence will set a few people off doing cartwheels of disgust, but really, the stock market helps sort listed companies into various categories (interesting/profitable/duds) -- why not a LinuxFutures markets to sort out open source projects and issues of interest to the community?... read more

Posted by Tux Nugget 2000-06-27

Partners wanted!

If ya wanna play, visit, get a user, and come back when we are finally up. We are seeking developers to help move this along. The database schema is in pretty good shape. We have working user creation and market creation functions. Projects available include home page and market page displays which integrate market news, graphs (full supply/demand graphs [think of "level 2 quotes"], recent prices, etc.), quotes by users, commentary by users, and pricing outcomes/commentary by the market chair person (each market can have its own chairperson/users): these all require a good knowledge of PHP4 and MySQL and a desire to work together toward a common goal. Also, we'll need "getting started" type documentation. Implementing the pricing rules and doing all the pre-pricing checks (can people make good on the quotes? are any debt:equity ratio violated?) is also a major pain in the ass. Email:

Posted by Tux Nugget 2000-06-27