
Getting stack at 3a) Basic pre-processing

  • anna

    anna - 2012-11-01

    I'm trying Uplug in my own server. I just got all the stuff installed but I'm experimenting some problems with following step:

    3a) Basic pre-processing (text -> xml)
    (a text in Swedish and English, encoded in ISO-8859-1 (latin1))
    /cvs/uplug systems/pre/basic -ci 'iso-8859-1' -in 1988sv.txt > 1988sv.xml
    /cvs/uplug systems/pre/basic -ci 'iso-8859-1' -in 1988en.txt > 1988en.xml
    Look at 1988sv.xml and 1988en.xml! Both files are (hopefully
    tokenised and marked with basic XML-tags)

    I just become an empty file
    anneta@anneta-Latitude-D420:/etc/uplug$ systems/pre/basic -ci 'iso-8859-1' -in /home/anneta/corpus/1988en.txt > /home/anneta/corpus/1988en.xml

  • Jörg Tiedemann

    Jörg Tiedemann - 2012-11-27

    Could you provide some more information about the messages you get when running the command? It's hard to tell what was going wrong.

    By the way, I'm currently working on an update and I will move the code to bitbucket. There is already a new version at which you may want to test. Download the package unplug-main-0.03. There are going to be language-specific add-on which I started to upload right now. Any feedback is welcome!

  • anna

    anna - 2012-11-28

    Thanks for answering!
    I did not become a message at all. That's all. An empty file.
    I going to test the new one and I keep you informed!


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