
#1 Position suggestion tooltip near text cursor


When typing a sequence in UniChars, a tooltip appears near the mouse cursor listing all possible keys.
Since I often move my mouse cursor out of the way when using a text editor, the tooltip is not near the place I'm working.

Is it perhaps possible to make the tooltip appear near the text cursor?


  • Averell

    Averell - 2011-01-24

    It has been already implemented in 0.9i which will be uploaded soon :-)
    See the News (Develop / News) for details when it will be released.

  • JvH

    JvH - 2011-01-24

    OK, thanks!

  • Averell

    Averell - 2011-01-24

    See the comment I posted in Develop / News.
    Does it work in your Word processor ?

  • JvH

    JvH - 2011-01-27

    Yesterday I thought of 2 extra tooltip options that might be useful:

    1) Disable tooltip.
    2) Set anchor to UniChars' system tray icon

  • Averell

    Averell - 2011-01-28

    > 1) Disable tooltip.
    Implemented in 09q

    > 2) Set anchor to UniChars' system tray icon
    You have it (almost) already : set position to screen and X and Y to the width and height of your screen (or a little less).
    Anyway I found a library which should give me much more control on the tooltip and things will be changed in 1.1. But I don't want to change 1.0 again.


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