


UNetbootin Translations

Translation Statuses

Translation statuses for languages are listed at the Translations Page

Setting the language UNetbootin will be displayed in

If the translation you are using has already been included into UNetbootin, it should automatically load the translation corresponding to your locale settings, or you can alternatively force the language to use via the lang=es command-line option, where you substitute es with the the 2-letter ISO 639-1 code for your language, which can be found above.

Translating UNetbootin

Please go to the Launchpad translation page and you can begin contributing translations. If you are new to Launchpad, you will first have to join the corresponding Ubuntu Translators group for the language you intend to translate.

For information on using the Launchpad Translations system, see the translations help page.

Testing your translation

First you will need the lconvert, lupdate, and lrelease utilities. These are part of the Qt development tools; if running Ubuntu, they can be found in the libqt4-dev and qt4-dev-tools package, and if running Windows, you can download them from the Nokia Qt Download Page.

If you have a .po (gettext format) translation file to test (the format you can download from Launchpad), then first convert it to the Qt Linguist .ts format using lconvert (substitute es with the language code for your language):

lconvert -if po -of ts -i es.po -o unetbootin_es.ts

Now convert to .qm format by running lupdate and lrelease within the UNetbootin source directory:


Now a file named unetbootin_es.qm file should be generated. (If your translation language is new, simply add it to the TRANSLATIONS section in to allow the .qm file to be generated).

Now, place the unetbootin_es.qm file into the same directory as the unetbootin executable, (or you can place it into /usr/share/unetbootin/ ) and test it using:

./unetbootin lang=es

While this test method allows you to test your translation without needing to compile UNetbootin (you can use a precompiled binary, simply ensure that the .qm file is in the same directory), if you would instead like to compile support for your language into the binary simply reference the .qm file for your language in unetbootin.qrc, and follow the compile instructions.


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