

Johano la Kodegadulo
UncialClockDeluxe10.jpg (112601 bytes)
UncialClockDeluxe11.jpg (107450 bytes)
UncialClockDeluxe12.jpg (118139 bytes)
UncialClockDeluxe13.jpg (175578 bytes)


(This wiki is a work in progress)

UncialClock is a Java Swing application/applet which uses dozenal (duodecimal) base to express time and date. It is called an "uncial" clock in recognition of the ancient Latin word uncia, which meant "one-twelfth". UncialClock displays time in both analog and digital formats, with a resolution down to the Tim (12-4 hours, or 25/144 of a second), the fundamental unit of time in Tom Pendlebury's TGM System of Measurement.

UncialClock screen shot


Use this button to download the latest version of the executable jar. On Windows, if you have Java installed, you can simply double-click the jar to run.

Transdecimal Symbols

UncialClock uses the following transdecimal symbols by default. (These defaults can be overridden. See the Usage section below.)

Usage Symbol Unicode Name Comment
Digit Ten  Ϫ  03EA Uppercase Coptic Gangia Evocative of Roman numeral X as well as Greek capital letter delta [Δ] standing for Greek 'deka', meaning "ten".
Digit Eleven  Ɛ  0190 Uppercase Open Letter E Evocative of the E in "eleven", but also a reversed 3, as in the Pitman transdecimal symbol.
"Dit" (Dozenal Radix Point)  ⋮  22EE Tricolon Marks a numeric field as dozenal (base twelve). If the number has a fractional part, separates the fractional digits from the integer digits. Has the advantage of being less likely to be mistaken for punctuation than the so-called "Humphrey Point", the semicolon [;] used as a dozenal radix point.

Digital Time and Date

Field Format Comment
Day of the Week  DDD  Three-letter abbreviation for the day name, e.g.  Mon  = Monday
Year  YYYY⋮  Four dozenal digit year, e.g.  11Ɛ8⋮  = decimal 2012
Month Name  MMM  Three-letter abbreviation for the month name, e.g.  Jan  = January
Day of the Month  DD⋮  Two dozenal digit day number plus "dit" symbol to emphasize the number is dozenal.
Hours Since Midnight  HHHHHH  Two-dozenal-digit hours and four-dozenal-digit fractional hours
   H  12-hour half of the day,  0  = AM,  1  = PM
   H  Hours since start of 12-hour clock
   HH  "Bictics" (biquaTims) elapsed in the hour (1 hour = 144 biquaTims)
   HH  "Cloctics" (Tims) elapsed in the bictic (1 biquaTim = 144 Tims)
Timezone Name  Timezone  The current time zone name supplied by Java
Timezone Zulu Offset  Z±##⋮#  Signed offset from GMT for current time zone (accounting for daylight savings), in dozenal hours and twelfths of hours
   ±  Sign,  +  or  - 
   #  a dozenal digit

Analog Clock

The analog display includes three hands, differing in length, color coding, rotation rate and fine behavior. Each hand corresponds to a portion of the hours field in the digital display, and is color-coded accordingly.

The analog dial has tick-marks that divide a rotation into "uncias" (twelfths) and "bicias" (hundred-forty-fourths). The uncia marks are numbered just like on a traditional clock, except that single symbols are used for ten ( Ϫ ) and eleven ( Ɛ ), and a zero ( 0 ) occupies the "twelve-o'clock" position. Further, each uncia mark is separated not by five minute-marks, but by a dozen bicia-marks.

Length | Color | Name | Rotation Period | Uncia Resolution | Bicia Resolution | Behavior |
------ | ---------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | --------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | -------- |
Short |  PINK  | Hour (QuadquaTim) Hand | 1 "clock" =
10⋮ hours =
500⋮ minutes =
10⋮5 Tims | 1 hour =
50⋮ minutes =
2100⋮ seconds =
10⋮4 Tims | 1 "block" =
5 minutes =
210⋮ seconds =
10⋮3 Tims | Smooth continuous motion. Behaves exactly like a conventional hour hand. |
Long |  CYAN  | "Bictic" (BiquaTim) Hand | 1 hour =
50⋮ minutes =
2100⋮ seconds =
10⋮4 Tims | 1 "block" =
5 minutes =
210⋮ seconds =
10⋮3 Tims | 1 "bictic" =
21⋮ seconds =
10⋮2 Tims | Smooth continuous motion. Behaves exactly like a conventional minute hand. |
Longer |  YELLOW  | "Cloctic" (Tim) Hand | 1 "bictic" =
21⋮ seconds =
100⋮ Tims | 1 "unctic" =
2⋮1 seconds =
10⋮ Tims | 1 "cloctic" =
0⋮21 seconds =
1 Tim | Jumps once per "cloctic" (Tim). Rotates faster than a conventional second hand (every 25 seconds rather than 60). |




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