HGButte - 2008-12-26


I got an Huawei E800 UMTS Card and I tried to use it in my ACER Aspire 7520. I'm using Debian-"lenny" with the i686 Platform.

Everthings working fine, but if I click on "connect" I get the message: "connection failed" "could not start ppp"

But PPP is running, I installed the package ppp and it's running.

here's the Log @ "-v5":

##P5 t=882: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=882: Query instance 0xbfb8eb48 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=882: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=882: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P2 t=882: Profile::Profile('')
##P2 t=882:   finally created profile for 'Stefan'
##P3 t=882: PPPConnection::startPPP entry
##P5 t=882: The PPPDState is 0
##P3 t=882: PPPConnection::setNewPPPState state 0 to 1
##P2 t=882: MainWindowObserver::newPPPState 1
##P3 t=882: mainwindow::newPPPState()
##P3 t=882: TempSerialPort::TempSerialPort()
##P5 t=882: 0x93ed0f8 = Query::setSerial(0xbfb8ebc4)
##P3 t=882: Opened '/dev/ttyUSB0' as FD 8
##P3 t=882: PPPConnection::chat() start
##P5 t=882: Query instance 0xbfb8eb44 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=882: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=882: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT&F'
##P5 t=882: receiveString: 'AT&F\xd\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=882: answer 1:'AT&F'
##P4 t=882: answer 2:'OK'
##P5 t=882: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=882: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=882: Query instance 0xbfb8eb44 abandoned MUTEX
##P5 t=882: Query instance 0xbfb8eb44 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=882: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=882: Query sends the following mesage: 'ATE1'
##P5 t=882: receiveString: 'ATE1\xd\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=882: answer 1:'ATE1'
##P4 t=882: answer 2:'OK'
##P5 t=882: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=882: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=882: Query instance 0xbfb8eb44 abandoned MUTEX
##P5 t=882: Query instance 0xbfb8eb44 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=882: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=882: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet.eplus.de"'
##P5 t=883: receiveString: 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet.eplus.de"\xd\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=883: answer 1:'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet.eplus.de"'
##P4 t=883: answer 2:'OK'
##P5 t=883: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=883: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=883: Query instance 0xbfb8eb44 abandoned MUTEX
##P5 t=883: Query instance 0xbfb8eb44 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=883: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=883: Query sends the following mesage: 'ATD*99***1#'
##P5 t=883: receiveString: 'ATD*99***1#\xd\xd\xaCONNECT\xd\xa'
##P4 t=883: answer 1:'ATD*99***1#'
##P4 t=883: answer 2:'CONNECT'
##P5 t=883: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=883: Query instance 0xbfb8eb44 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=883: PPPConnection::chat() end
##P4 t=883: Assembled PPP string is: 'idle 7200 asyncmap 0 updetach dump debug debug debug 460800 lock crtscts modem /dev/ttyUSB0 noipx defaultroute replacedefaultroute noipdefault user eplus password gprd '
##P4 t=883: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount ++, now is 1
##P2 t=883: PPPConnection::PPPThread::PPPThread()
##P2 t=883: PPPThread::run, before runCommand
##P5 t=883: Runner::runCommand(1, list, 0)
##P3 t=883: INSIDE CHILD, uid=1000, pid=5915
##P3 t=883: INSIDE PARENT, uid=1000, pid=5911
##P5 t=883: Parent with pipes to not detached child
##P5 t=883: child read pipe loop end, flags: 7
##P2 t=883: PPPThread::run, after runCommand
##P3 t=888: TempSerialPort::~TempSerialPort()
##P3 t=888: SerialPort::closeDev() for FD 8
##P5 t=888: 0xbfb8ebc4 = Query::setSerial(0x93ed0f8)
##P2 t=888: thePPPConnection.startPPP() returned without indicating problems
##P2 t=888: isDone is true
##P4 t=888: *****output of PPP to stdout
##P4 t=888: *****end-of-output
##P4 t=888: *****output of PPP to stderr
##P4 t=888: *****end-of-output
##P3 t=888: PPPConnection::setNewPPPState state 1 to 4
##P2 t=888: MainWindowObserver::newPPPState 4
##P3 t=888: mainwindow::newPPPState()
##P5 t=890: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P3 t=890: PPPConnection::setNewPPPState state 4 to 0
##P2 t=890: MainWindowObserver::newPPPState 0
##P3 t=890: mainwindow::newPPPState()
##P5 t=890: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=890: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=890: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P3 t=890: ConnectionInfo probe inhibited
##P3 t=890: ConnectionInfo probe inhibited
##P3 t=890: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=890: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P2 t=890: MainWindowObserver::newPPPState 0
##P3 t=890: mainwindow::newPPPState()
##P3 t=890: thread end - wait and cleanup
##P2 t=890: ~PPPThread()
##P4 t=890: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount --, now is 0
##P5 t=890: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=890: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=890: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=890: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=890: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=890: Query instance 0xbfb8eb00 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=890: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=890: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=890: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 11,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=890: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=890: answer 2:'+CSQ: 11,99'
##P4 t=890: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=890: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=890: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=890: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=890: Query instance 0xbfb8eb00 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=890: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=890: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
^C##P5 t=891: PPPConnection run_at_exit() called
##P5 t=891: PPPConnection run_at_exit() called