
#150 Endless Enter Pin Loop



I am trying to use the latest cvs of umtsmon (as the alpha 2 is only available as a i386 compiled version which does of course not work on my amd64 ubuntu karmic) with my sierra wireless mc8775 card in my Thinkpad T61.
The card is not recognized but umtsmon trys one of the two usable ttys, ttyUSB0 and I get to the "enter pin" Popup.
There i can enter the correct pin (yes, I am really really sure I did not mistype it 50 times - and it works with modemmanager), press accept and the popup goes away - for about 3 seconds, than it reappears.
This loop can only be stopped if I cancel the dialog, which cloeses umtsmon.

The debug output at this point looks like:
##P4 t=263: SIMHandler::askForPIN() has been called
##P5 t=263: SIMHandler::isPinCodeRequired
##P5 t=263: ProgressDialog::runOneSecond of 1, 10 has passed
##P5 t=264: Query instance 0x7fff14a8d8d0 acquired MUTEX
##P6 t=264: Query::receiveStringOnce (null)
##P4 t=264: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CPIN?'
##P6 t=264: dosmallsleep of 0 s, 20000 us
##P6 t=264: Query::receiveStringOnce +CPIN: SIM PIN\xd\xaOK\xd\xa
##P6 t=264: Query::receiveStringRetry 3
##P6 t=264: Query::receiveStringOnce (null)
##P6 t=264: Query::receiveStringRetry 2
##P6 t=264: Query::receiveStringOnce (null)
##P6 t=264: Query::receiveStringRetry 1
##P6 t=264: Query::receiveStringOnce (null)
##P6 t=264: Query::receiveStringRetry 0
##P5 t=264: receiveStringRetry: '+CPIN: SIM PIN\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=264: answer 1:'+CPIN: SIM PIN'
##P4 t=264: answer 2:'OK'
##P5 t=264: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=264: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=264: Query instance 0x7fff14a8d8d0 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=264: is Pin required: Warte auf PIN-Code f�r die SIM-Karte.
##P5 t=264: We need a PIN!
##P5 t=264: Validate PIN
##P2 t=265: ***UIState::update(void), state=3
##P2 t=268: ***UIState::update(void), state=3
##P5 t=268: validate
##P2 t=268: suspending detailed logging until PIN/PUK is set
##P2 t=269: PIN/PUK finished: Resuming log at verbosity 6
##P5 t=269: Query instance 0x7fff14a8d970 abandoned MUTEX
##P5 t=269: SIMHandler::isPinCodeRequired

and so on.
It would be great if I could break this loop with my card ;)


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