
A thing in UltimateStunts that would be nice

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I suggest a following option to this very exciting and cool game, even in pre-alpha yet...

    My idea is that it could read and convert the tracks of the "old" stunts to its own format, ready for play.
    (I mean if you created a track in the "old" stunts you can still play it here with the new graphics. /a simpler version of this conversion could be that you must screenshot your "old " stunts track in the editor or somewhere and UltimateStunts could convert it/)

    Well, how do you like it?

    • CJP

      CJP - 2004-03-17

      This idea is so great that you're not the first who thought about it. It's probably already mentioned on the forum. The Ultimate Stunts track editor will have an import function for Stunts tracks. Working with screenshots is too complicated & it's not necessary. The definition of the Stunts track format is available on the internet, so it's possible to make an import function

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Superb!!! Or more - Incredibly Cool!!!

      I say this will be a real beauty game, but remember, you'll have to have all the old stunts tiles for the import - and ynother thing:

      Will there be a tile creator for your own Stunts elements? It would be another gigantic addition... (Once my friend, who also has stunts, dreamt about an editor that could push the height of tiles - Super elevated roads he said - and incredible jumps...)

      • CJP

        CJP - 2004-03-19

        Well, in some way there already is a tile editor. It's the stunts3dedit program, and it's documented on the site. It's sole purpose is to help the development of Ultimate Stunts, and it's only designed to be used by developers, so user friendliness has never been a priority here.

        About super-elevated roads: Ultimate Stunts has an improved way of handling vertical tiling, so that almost infinite height differences are possible. It's also possible to put several tiles on top of each other, as the current default track demonstrates.


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