
#11 native_blitbuffer: select error occured

Sound (6)

There is an error wiht the graphics, anything appears on the screen, I've attached an screenshot, there we can see that the screen is black and in the Terminal we see the errors.

And in the second part I have to use "aoss" to have sound, on my gentoo I didn't have compile OSS, do you not want to use ALSA ?

The all log :

julroy67@Gentoo-Tux ~/bin/ultimatestunts-srcdata-0701 $ aoss ./ultimatestunts/ustunts
Welcome to ultimatestunts version 0.7.0 detected:
We are probably in the Ultimate Stunts SOURCE TREE
Using the conf file in the source tree
Using configuration file ./ultimatestunts.conf
Using the data dirs in the source tree
DataDir is "./data/"
SaveDir is "./saveddata/"
Enabling localisation
Locale LC_MESSAGES is set to "fr_FR@euro"
Package ultimatestunts, directory /home/julroy67/bin/ultimatestunts-srcdata-0701/data/lang
bindtextdomain returns /home/julroy67/bin/ultimatestunts-srcdata-0701/data/lang
bind_textdomain_codeset returns ISO-8859-1
textdomain returns ultimatestunts
---Window system
Display variable: "window:800x600"
Setting resolution to 800x600:24...
...Now working at 800x600:32
Found 0 joysticks
Loading font from misc/iso8859-1.rgba
Loading file misc/iso8859-1.rgba
sizex = "512"
sizey = "512"
smooth = "true"
wth = "10.000000"
hth = "20.000000"
Loading file misc/menubackground.rgb
sizex = "4096"
sizey = "4096"
---Sound system
Loading file music/yllusion-Stunts-v1.ogg
---World data
---World data
Loading lensflare distance 1.000 size 0.200 file environment/lensflare/lensflare0.jpg
Loading file environment/lensflare/lensflare0.jpg
Loading lensflare distance 0.500 size 0.100 file environment/lensflare/lensflare1.jpg
Loading file environment/lensflare/lensflare1.jpg
Loading lensflare distance 0.330 size 0.050 file environment/lensflare/lensflare1.jpg
Loading file environment/lensflare/lensflare1.jpg
Loading lensflare distance 0.600 size 0.160 file environment/lensflare/lensflare2.jpg
Loading file environment/lensflare/lensflare2.jpg
Loading lensflare distance 0.400 size 0.100 file environment/lensflare/lensflare3.jpg
Loading file environment/lensflare/lensflare3.jpg
Loading lensflare distance -0.250 size 0.050 file environment/lensflare/lensflare3.jpg
Loading file environment/lensflare/lensflare3.jpg
Loading lensflare distance 0.200 size 0.050 file environment/lensflare/lensflare4.jpg
Loading file environment/lensflare/lensflare4.jpg
Loading lensflare distance -1.000 size 0.240 file environment/lensflare/lensflare4.jpg
Loading file environment/lensflare/lensflare4.jpg
---World data
---Graphics data
Unloading the graphic world
Unloading background
Unloading environment map
---Sound data
---World data
---Graphics data
Unloading the graphic world
Unloading background
Unloading environment map
---Sound data
Loading file environment/spheremap.rgb
Starting the GUI
native_blitbuffer: select error occured
native_blitbuffer: select error occured
native_blitbuffer: select error occured
native_blitbuffer: select error occured
native_blitbuffer: select error occured
native_blitbuffer: select error occured
native_blitbuffer: select error occured
native_blitbuffer: select error occured
native_blitbuffer: select error occured
native_blitbuffer: select error occured
native_blitbuffer: select error occured
native_blitbuffer: select error occured
native_blitbuffer: select error occured
native_blitbuffer: select error occured
native_blitbuffer: select error occured

Unloading Ultimate Stunts:
Unloading the graphic world
Unloading background
Unloading environment map
Unloading the graphic world
Unloading background
Unloading environment map
---World data
---Window system

Program finished succesfully


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Screenshot with Ustunts running

  • CJP

    CJP - 2007-05-31
    • labels: 459980 --> Sound
    • milestone: --> v0.7.x
    • assigned_to: nobody --> cornware-cjp
  • CJP

    CJP - 2007-05-31

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    The text "native_blitbuffer: select error occured" does not come from UStunts itself. Googling on it made me think that it might be a sound-related problem. I guess you've compiled with OpenAL sound support (and not with FMOD), and that OpenAL is using OSS as sound target. Using OSS is not a big problem: a lot of applications do that, and ALSA should provide proper OSS emulation. OTOH, OpenAL has native ALSA support, so on ALSA systems that is the preferred path. I don't know how to configure OpenAL so that it uses ALSA, maybe it is with an openalrc file.

    Is the UStunts window always completely black? Is the menu interface visible? Does it shut down itself automatically?


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