
Buggy prizes in the Temple of Mars

  • Keith Rozett

    Keith Rozett - 2010-01-27

    Maybe I'm the only one, but it's always bugged the hell out of me that I could never get all the prizes from the Temple of Mars. Now I know why.

    One of the prizes (the chaos device in the southeast corner) never shows because the trigger_crosslevel_target that's supposed to spawn it is missing a spawnflag (128).
    Another (the summoning stone) is okay, map-wise, but a bug in the HCode makes it never appear. In fact, crosslevel triggers that use spawnflag 8 will never work, because of this bug. (I have confirmed this on small levels of my own.) It's a real easy fix, just one line in triggers.hc:

    After the InitTrigger() call on line 1531, do:

    self.inactive = FALSE;

    Should I post a patch in the appropriate section?

    I'm also wondering what's the best way to distribute some kind of fix for the missing spawnflag in the map. I have a modified romeric5.bsp, but I don't know if it's legally dodgy to post something like that. I can always make a patch for that file too, but then it forces players to extract the original BSP file from their PAK file. Hmm…

  • Ozkan Sezer

    Ozkan Sezer - 2010-01-27

    > Maybe I'm the only one, but it's always bugged the hell out of me that I could
    > never get all the prizes from the Temple of Mars. Now I know why.
    > One of the prizes (the chaos device in the southeast corner) never shows because
    > the trigger_crosslevel_target that's supposed to spawn it is missing a spawnflag
    > (128).
    > Another (the summoning stone) is okay, map-wise, but a bug in the HCode makes
    > it never appear. In fact, crosslevel triggers that use spawnflag 8 will never
    > work, because of this bug. (I have confirmed this on small levels of my own.)
    > It's a real easy fix, just one line in triggers.hc:
    > After the InitTrigger() call on line 1531, do:

    self.inactive = FALSE;

    > Should I post a patch in the appropriate section?

    Yes, I'd like that. I can also forward it to others for further testing then.

    > I'm also wondering what's the best way to distribute some kind of fix for the
    > missing spawnflag in the map. I have a modified romeric5.bsp, but I don't know
    > if it's legally dodgy to post something like that. I can always make a patch
    > for that file too, but then it forces players to extract the original BSP file
    > from their PAK file. Hmm…

    Hmm, if I remember correctly, that some old quake ports
    (QIP) had some mechanisms for such map bugs that didn't
    require extracting maps from the pak files. If you tell us
    how exactly modified the map, though.

  • Keith Rozett

    Keith Rozett - 2010-02-21

    Okay, patch submitted. That should take care of the summoning stone. Thanks for the patience.

    As for fixing the chaos device spawner, here's the steps I followed:
    1. Open QuArK (I use version 6.6 Beta).
    2. Open pak1.pak from your data1 folder.
    3. Navigate in the tree to the romeric5 map, and click "open in map editor".
    4. In the lower left pane, the list of entities, find the group of crosslevel_target objects. It's about a quarter of the way down.
    5. Click on the fifth crosslevel_target.
    6. Switch to args view (button above entity list).
    7. Under "spawnflags", check the box next to 128.
    8. In the menu, File -> Close BSP editor.
    9. Back at the PAK explorer, click on the romeric5 icon, then go File -> Save object as file…
    10. Choose a filename like romeric5.bsp.
    11. If you put this file in the maps subfolder of data1, it will override the romeric5 map present in the PAK file.
    12. You can close QuArK, no need to save the changed PAK since you exported the changed map.

    I just did a complete legit playthrough with the Demoness (always thought it would be fun to have her kill her old master), and can verify that these fixes allow you get all the Mars prizes. Whew! This may be the first time in the game's history that the prizes actually worked as intended. :D


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