
need help with portal of praevus

  • Zachary Stenger

    Zachary Stenger - 2009-05-05

    I am trying to play PoP with the steam version of hexen 2, i've placed the pak3.pak file in my portals folder but I can't seem to run the mission pack. I am using the latest version of the sourceport and have read the readme file. I don't really understand what it is telling me to do, any help would be appreciated! thanks.

    • Ozkan Sezer

      Ozkan Sezer - 2009-05-05

      Since you are mentioning steam, I assume you are running on windows, yes?  You must use the -portals or -h2mp command line switch, like:
      glh2 -portals

      Without that switch, the engine will not run the mission pack.  If there aren't any portal of praevus shortcuts in your start menu, then you can run it from a console (command prompt) using a command like the one I wrote above.  Or,  if there are shortcuts to Portal of Praevus in your Start menu,  right click on that particular menu item, choose "properties" and change its target. For example, this:
      "C:\\Program Files\Hexen II\glh2.exe"
      should become something like this:
      "C:\\Program Files\Hexen II\glh2.exe -portals"
      Notice the newly added -portals

      Tell me if you have any success.

    • Zachary Stenger

      Zachary Stenger - 2009-05-05

      I've tried said suggestions and still can't seem to get it to run and yes I am using windows vista 32 bit. Of interesting note when type "path" in the in game console I am not seeing pak3 listed and it is in the portals folder.  I'm confused did I miss a step and not install it correctly?

      • Ozkan Sezer

        Ozkan Sezer - 2009-05-05

        OK, it must be that it cannot see your portals folder at all.  Can you run it using an additional -devlog command line switch, like:
        glh2.exe -portals -devlog
        After the game initializes and the menu appears, quit the game and there will be generated log file, debug_h2.log in your game folder. Does it say anything interesting?  The only thing I can think of is that you might have installed incorrectly (but how..)  The log file may give some insight..

    • Ozkan Sezer

      Ozkan Sezer - 2009-05-05

      Hmm, speaking of incorrect installation and the engine not seeing the portals folder,  where actually is your portals folder?  It must be a subfolder under the game folder itself.  If the game is installed at, say, "C:\\Program Files\Hexen II" then the portals folder must be like "C:\\Program Files\Hexen II\portals".  Or, if the game is at C:\\hexen2 then the portals folder must C:\\hexen2\portals,  please verify that, too.

    • Zachary Stenger

      Zachary Stenger - 2009-05-05

      The portals folder is where it should be.  I tried the -devlog command but it isn't creating that debug h2.log file. maybe the steam version is not capable of running PoP I don't know I have seen other people with this problem on the steam forums for hexen 2 and one guy claims he got it running with an unnoficial patch 1.44? i think that was the number, he also said he copied files from the cd but did not mention which ones. I may just have to buy a used copy of the original hexen 2 as steam seems to have changed the program.

      • Ozkan Sezer

        Ozkan Sezer - 2009-05-05

        OK, this is interesting:  Are you really running Hammer of Thyrion? Or, are you running the glh2.exe provided by Steam?  Our glh2.exe must generate the log file.  If you aren't running with our exe, then I can't do anything for you.  If you need our help, make a backup of Steam-provided exe files and replace them with our versions, please.

    • Zachary Stenger

      Zachary Stenger - 2009-05-05

      You were right it wasn't installed correctly. I did a fresh install of the game and hammer of thyrion and also applied the unofficial 1.14 patch and it works now. Thanks for all of your help.

      • Ozkan Sezer

        Ozkan Sezer - 2009-05-05

        Glad to hear that it works!

        A little note, though:  We don't have any "1.14" version here at uHexen2: our latest version is 1.4.4-pre6. if those lots of 1s and 4s got confused, it's OK ;)  But if you added someone other's 1.14 version, it's unknown to us and it may cause problems at least in the long term.



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