
Doubled up connections

Tudor Timi
  • Tudor Timi

    Tudor Timi - 2011-09-26

    Hi, it's me again.

    I've developed my small app and it works fine and dandy on the localhost, but I get a problem when I try to use it across virtual machines (to simulate a network). I get doubled up connections, because the client just bombards the server with connection requests. The server then goes on to process all the requests it gets. Eventually the process stops because the client receives the confirmation for the first request.

    I had a look in your code and saw you wanted to implement a fix for this, but didn't get to. I tried but I failed miserably.

    Are you interested in developing this further? Maybe I can help. I wouldn't want to jump to the C++ version because I already have the GUI developed (from an earlier project) and mixing the 2 languages might be a bit too difficult for me right now.


    Best regards,

  • Bernd Schuller

    Bernd Schuller - 2011-10-07


    sorry for the late reply, I've not too much time at the moment… If you want to help you are very welcome.
    Maybe I just need to understand your problem better. What does your network look like?

    Thanks and best regards,


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