
I can't compile project files with cgywin :(

  • zzAndrey

    zzAndrey - 2006-05-26

    Please help! Can somebody send to me project files for VS2003 to compile u3d sources? I spent some hours with cgywin but I still can't make this files. :(

    Many thanks!
    Andrey (

    • Roman Borisov

      Roman Borisov - 2006-05-29

      Andrey, what kind of difficulties with Cygwin build do you have?
      could you specify them?
      Unfortunatelly we don't have universal VS projects which may work in any system environment.

    • zzAndrey

      zzAndrey - 2006-05-29

      Im not familliar with linux and I need these sources only for windows based applications development. I spent a 1 day only configure cgywin. First set all environment variables (like U3D_SOURCE) in cygwin. Then I found that xml parser is not present in current cgywin package. I have downloaded it and once again I need to configure it(set environment variables etc.)

      And I dont think that it's a good idea for me to learn how to work wiht linux console just to "compile" projects solutions for MSVisual C++ 2003, because I NEED ONLY WINDOWS.

      I have tried VS6.0 projects from Steff Yossem (from this forum).
      But Studio is saying that:
      "ifxcorestatic.lib(IFXUnitAllocator.obj) : fatal error LNK1103: debugging information corrupt; recompile module"
      So Im still can't debug my application with IFX libraries. :(

      Maybe someone just can send it for me? (I'll be very grateful for that) my mail: toandrey[at]


      • Roman Borisov

        Roman Borisov - 2006-05-29

        Hello Andrey,

        Our build system was developed as crossplatform system. It is quite easy to use.
        To help our users who are not familiar with Linux we uploaded Small Cygwin package which contains only needed for build files and also it contains simple batch file to install it.
        Please read documentation and ask us what is not clear for you.

        Thank you.

  • chewbac

    chewbac - 2011-12-19

    Hello Roman,

    Hope you're still maintaining this forum.
    I have questions concerning building u3d sources with windows 7.
    Basically I would like to compile it with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. So I read the documentation, I followed the steps, and I am stucked in step 4 :
    "Execute the Bash script called vs7_convert.bat"
    I have these errors :
    'Can't locate XML/ in @INC <@INC contains: /usr/li/perl5/5.10/i686-cygwin /usr…..'
    It is the first time I compile a perl program so any help would be greatly appreciated.
    I tried with small cygwin package (contains perl 5.8.2 and not 5.10) and also complete cygwin package (contains appropriate perl5.10), but same result for both solutions.
    Maybe I'm missing something…

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Michail Vidiassov

    You may try your luck with my repack for cmake.
    Cmake is also cross-platform and worked for me with MSVS and XP.
    You may want to replace some source files with originals if you doubt my patches
    (I do not think that I changed anything but small portability fixes and setting default compression to minimal,
    but who knows).

  • chewbac

    chewbac - 2011-12-21

    Thanks you Roman.
    I'm now able to build and link IFX libraries in my visual compiler.
    I would like to import a U3D File in my application. Unfortunately I didn't find any sample code to do that. Maybe I made bad searches…
    Would you have a repack of SamplePlayer for CMake for example, I think that would help me a lot.


  • Michail Vidiassov

    0) I am Michail, not Roman. Not a developer, but a hobbyist user.
    1) I did not repack rendering component of U3D
        (as it is hard, it uses obsolete API on my platform, Mac, thus requires complete rewrite,
         and, most important, is useless, since  Adobe uses its own 3D rendering engine).
        So there was no point in repacking SamplePlayer for my purposes,
        producing U3D files via IDTF.

    2) So in your efforts to use code for rendering U3D as a source of insights on how to import U3D scene graph
         into some other structures my repack can be only a starting point (and the one used with caution,
         since the rendering module not only is not built, any attempts to look for it at run time are edited out of the source).
         Or just read that code, do not try to compile/run/trace.
         On the other hand, the lack of rendering  does not mean the lack of ability to import U3D into scene graph.
         While I never used that functionality, it is unlikely anything was broken there.

  • chewbac

    chewbac - 2011-12-22

    Indeed I would only need to parse the data of tht U3D file, no need to render…
    The sample code from the documentation stops when u3d file is loaded, but I'm wondering which method to use to parse the file.



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