
Coin value of an object

Benjamin B
  • Benjamin B

    Benjamin B - 2005-05-11


    Perhaps it will be easier  for users  to display coin value of an object an other way.

    Actually you can have "25986539 copper" I propose to display coin value this way  2598G 65S 39C. this way is more easy to compare two object.

    Because isn't easy to know that 25986539 copper is more than 300 Gold.

    An other reason, is that in the inventory, we know already khow many gold silver and copper coins the hero had.

    I have already write this modification in my personnal tyrant.

    What do you think?

    • Mike Anderson

      Mike Anderson - 2005-05-12

      My prefered methods is to "round" the coin values to 2 significant figures. That way you can express every value using a single coin type, e.g.

      12 copper
      47 silver
      3 gold (= 30 silver)
      16000 gold

      Incidentally, anyone think we should shift the coin values e.g. so that:

      1 gold = 100 silver
      1 silver = 100 copper?

      This would make gold coins a bit more serious in value


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