
Release 6.0

Release 6.0 April 2008

This release is a major upgrade to the server. It's been awhile since the last upgrade. This release is based on JDK 1.6.

We added the timeout variable in the Processing Application Class as an updateable field in the Queue Data GUI/non-GUI. There was some minor restructuring to support this in the TyBase Class.

We added a high water mark field in the Wait Lists. This affects the Wait List GUI/non-GUI and the statistics.

We added logical number of entries to the Wait List structure. This requires alteration to both the DBMS Queue Table and the User Queues structure. You must alter these structures to use this release.

Eliminated printing the name of the rebinding variable in the RMI Registry and JNDI Rebinding message. It was causing some confusion.

When Queue Threads change status to "Processing" they reset the cancelled reason.

Removed the "zero asynchronous requests possibly stalled" message displaying all the time from the Overall display. The message only appears now when there are possibly stalled requests.

Changed most 'public' constructors and other methods to 'protected' in com.tymeac.base (for the Tymeac management Classes.) There is no reason outside packages should access these Classes. We provide access to execution information in the TymeacInfo and TymeacUserSingleton Classes as well as the com.tymeac.client and com.tymeac.client.jframe packages.

We added a demo/comparison between Tymeac and the new Fork-Join package coming in Java 7 for early adapters.

We include the complete source in the /Source directory as a zip file and eliminate one downloadable file (the product without full source.) Previously, we only supplied demonstration classes in the /Source. If users wanted the complete source, then they downloaded that zip file separately.

As with all software over time, we improved the readability, maintainability and performance of the product.

Posted by Edward Harned 2008-04-15

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