
#140 change the mouse acceleration (sensitivity)

ivin ifx

Please add some mouse acceleration (sensitivity) configuration into the config tool.


  • William Kendrick

    This may be possible (I did a brief Google search, and see that it's apparently possible to adjust mouse speed in X-Window, at least; not sure about Windows, Mac OS X or BeOS).

    However, I'm curious as to why you'd suggest Tux Paint should handle mouse acceleration, rather than just having the user adjust a setting in their desktop environment. Is it because you'd want the mouse to behave differently (e.g., slower) in Tux Paint, compared to other apps?

  • ivin ifx

    ivin ifx - 2010-04-16

    yes, i want to behave the mouse differently. The acceleration set in the desktop is ok for me, bud it is a little bit slow for my kids. I am using a start script in X-win (found in internet). In windows i have to change the enviroment setting before and after running the Tuxpaint manualy. It is probably more complicated than it looks like.

  • William Kendrick

    • Group: --> v0.9.23
    • Priority: 5 --> 9
  • William Kendrick

    • status: open --> wont-fix
  • William Kendrick

    Considering a few things here...

    • more people using Tux Paint on mobile devices (e.g., Android & iOS tablets & phones)
    • how to handle mouse motion within Tux Paint vs. outside, when in windowed (not fullscreen mode), or...
    • would mouse motion be changed during the duration of execution, and reset back to the normal speed when Tux Paint is quit?
    • no one else ever asking for this

    ... I'm just going to close this as wont-fix. If anyone happens to know a reasonable solution for this, though, feel free to re-open & share it! Thanks!


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