
#140 Crashing for some users Mac OS 10.5.8 (Leopard)

Launching (18)

Tux Paint version 0.9.21 is installed in a lab and a mobile lab. It is crashing for many students, but not all. Deleting the .fontconfig file as suggested on the website did not work. It is definitely an account issue and not the particular install on the computer because I can log on as a different student on the same computer and it runs just fine. I have angry staff and anxious student's if anyone has other options to try.


  • Martin Fuhrer

    Martin Fuhrer - 2010-02-02

    Hi Elizabeth,

    Sorry for the headaches! Is Tux Paint crashing on startup, or during use? I'm still curious whether the crashes are due to a buggy fontconfig library. I've built Tux Paint with a more recent fontconfig library; give this a try and let me know if the crashes still occur:


  • Elizabeth

    Elizabeth - 2010-02-02

    It seems to be a little of both. I'm having a hard time getting staff to give me the names of students having the issue. The few I do have appear to be issues with it not even starting up. But I often come in to the lab and find logged in computers that won't log out because Tux Paint crashed. I will try what you gave me.. whats the best way to completely uninstall what I already have on the computer so I can test this?

  • Elizabeth

    Elizabeth - 2010-02-02

    Unfortunately, this did not resolve the issue.

  • William Kendrick

    Can we check for error messages (launch Tux Paint from a terminal)? Could it be a lockfile issue???

  • Elizabeth

    Elizabeth - 2010-02-03

    There are no error messages in terminal or console. The icon just hops once and thats that.

  • Elizabeth

    Elizabeth - 2010-02-08

    Anyone have anymore suggestions? I hate to do it but if I can't make it work I'm going to have to look for a replacement program. They all love Tux Paint though and it'd be great to get it working!

  • William Kendrick

    Elizabeth - there's a known issue that I forgot about (see: ) regarding the font system that Tux Paint uses under the hood. If your Macs are using other software that uses the same system ("fontconfig"), e.g., "Inkscape" or "GIMP" open source graphics programs, but are using a different version of it, the cache of font information that it generates can be incompatible, and cause Tux Paint to crash on launch. :(

    Try looking for a hidden folder in the user's home directory named ".fontconfig/" and try removing it. Note that, at the moment, Tux Paint can appear to hang or lock-up while this cache gets generated, so the first time you re-launch Tux Paint after deleting the folder, it may stall at the splash screen. (It sounds like, with the current issue, it doesn't even get that far.)

    Please let us know whether that helps! (You might want to try simply renaming the folder, e.g., to ".fontconfig-backup". And if it doesn't resolve the Tux Paint crash, rename it back.)


  • William Kendrick

    Oh shoot - my apologies. I just reread the summary of this bug, and you already tried the fontconfig workaround! :^( So I'm now at a loss. Martin, any other ideas?

  • William Kendrick

    It's been a year. :( Anything further to report, anyone?

  • William Kendrick


  • William Kendrick

    We should try to re-test this after Martin is able to make a new build. In the meantime, 10.5.8 is old, and we're not getting a ton of reports about this, so lowering priority.

  • William Kendrick

    • status: open --> closed
  • William Kendrick

    FYI, Tux Paint 0.9.23 is coming, and will hopefully address some OS X issues. See Bug #206. Closing this old ticket. Thanks!


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