
Is TuxGuitar still alive?

  • Arttu Vanninen

    Arttu Vanninen - 2012-10-14

    Is the application being developed any longer? I love TuxGuitar, but it needs improvement in some places:
    - printing: make default font sizes readable + add a way to adjust printing margins
    - introduce tab interface to enable multiple files to be open in the same window
    - startup wizard: easy way to start writing different kinds of tabs (I'm thinking of bass tabs here)

    Maybe there could be a fundraiser or something to promote the further development of TuxGuitar?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-10-16

    It seems to still be alive, the developer akdmia has been adding code to it a lot lately if you have a look on the Summary page of the project.

    I wrote him an e-mail requesting that he release an update that contains all the new code he has added because when people see that the last version was done back in 2009 the first thought that comes to one's mind is that the project's dead.

    He hasn't replied yet, but I hope he will, this software is way to valuable to just abandon…

    Though there is one HUGE limitation that this project has: it can only write scores for 2 voice, and not 4 or 5 for example, so you can't really use it for classical guitar scores, only modern bass and clean leads…

    MuseScore is so much better than this and it can also have the normal stave with a tab stave underneath.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-10-18

    Sorry, scratch that, I noticed that the last code commits were about a year ago, I thought it was october this year.

    So yeah, I guess it's pretty much dead……

  • Arttu Vanninen

    Arttu Vanninen - 2012-11-15

    If only MuseScore opened Guitar Pro files. Well, I guess I have to put my hopes in MuseScore 2.0…

  • Stefan Bradl

    Stefan Bradl - 2013-04-05

    Seems like the project is really dead :(

    I am currently trying to contact the developers to get some information on that,

    If they confirm that they stopped development maybe I will continue the project. But that is something I cannot do alone…

  • bayo

    bayo - 2013-04-12

    if there is a fork somewhere, i can be interested too contribute a very little (cause i would like to fix some issues)
    but musescore looks really better (i dont know it) with an active dev community (but it is not java :-)

  • Tom Potts

    Tom Potts - 2013-05-20

    Some activity this month!
    I'm gonna have a look at the code and see if I can help

  • kotowvr

    kotowvr - 2013-08-21

    The project is definitely being developed and there are loads of new features, such as *.gpx file support, and some other useful stuff. You can just make an svn checkout of the source code and launch the corresponding file form TuxGuitar-testing folder.
    Long live tuxguitar!

    • Blaine Simpson

      Blaine Simpson - 2014-03-06

      Most musicians don't want to just install, not build, their software.

      I took your advice, Vadim, and I wrote up a HOWTO document to help others.

      Installation HOWTO for regular (non-developer) TuxGuitar users

  • Blaine Simpson

    Blaine Simpson - 2013-08-21
    Post awaiting moderation.
  • Collette

    Collette - 2013-08-29

    You can also rebuild everything from sources:

    Once you have checked out a svn working copy, go into


    here, start the compilation using maven (you will need to install maven and some other depedencies like jack-devel, fluidsynth-devel, etc ...) :

    mvn clean package -Dnative-modules=true

    You will find the compiled distrib in


    Here, start


    • Tom Potts

      Tom Potts - 2014-01-19

      Thanks for that!
      Any idea how to get it building/working under Netbeans or Eclipse so I can climb in using the debugger and get a better idea about how the whole thing works?

      • Tom Potts

        Tom Potts - 2014-01-20

        Whats the "mvn clean package -Dnative-modules=true" format to build a debug version so I can attach the debugger from Netbeans?

    • AbbeAbyss

      AbbeAbyss - 2014-11-15

      I'm trying to compile on OS X, so I run

      mvn clean package -Dnative-modules=true

      in the build-scripts/tuxguitar-macosx-cocoa-64 folder. However, I'm getting errors related to swt; the output of mvn is at

      I have the latest version (4.4) of swt.jar in /Library/Java/Extensions which is where you put .jar files in OS X so it should be on the class path.

      Does anyone know how to fix this?

      In general, what would be the proper way of compiling from the latest SVN source tree on OS X?


      Last edit: AbbeAbyss 2014-11-15
      • Julian Casadesus

        Try edit the main pom.xml file.
        In <profiles> section add this new profile:


        Please tell me if it works to update svn version of pom file.

        • David

          David - 2015-09-26

          This worked for me! Please include in SVN :-)

    • Stéphane Fortrie


      I have found the solution, the package libasound2-dev was missing.
      It's now working on my debian.

      Thank you for the explanations !!

      I try to compile tuxguitar with this method, but i've got an error with the module :

      [exec] make: gcj: commande introuvable
      [exec] org_herac_tuxguitar_player_impl_midiport_alsa_MidiSystem.c:3:28: fatal error: alsa/asoundlib.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
      [exec] compilation terminated.

      Any idea of the problem ?



      Last edit: Stéphane Fortrie 2015-10-22
  • Collette

    Collette - 2013-10-16

    Here is a small patch against pom.xml (located in build-scripts/tuxguitar-linux-x86_64/).
    It activates the gpx module and the midi-input module.

  • Matt McVicar

    Matt McVicar - 2013-11-28

    So glad to hear this is still alive!

    So, my ulterior motive I'm afraid is to do some grovelling. Would someone be able to add pitch bending to the musicxml output in a patch? This would be really useful to me, as currently only the 'prebent' notes are printed, which can be out of key. This means that down the pipeline, I get really dissonant note cropping up in my project. MusicXML has pitch bending specified here:

    so it should be fairly easy to dump it, for someone with the right java skills (not me!).

    Thanks in advance!


  • Bernard de Terwangne

    I could compile from the source code. Great. I found a small bug already : the metronome does not work. You here no tick on the beat when it is on.

    One small improvement I'd love to do would be to display the current tempo in the practice window in case you are practicing on progressive tempo. Can anybody tell the package containing that function ?

    Another thing is that slides are not correctly translated from PTB but that was already the case in 1.2.

  • Collette

    Collette - 2014-02-20

    Not a bug.
    The metronome only works if there is a drum track in the tab.
    Without drum track, no sound from from tuxguitar.

  • kotowvr

    kotowvr - 2014-10-17

    In case anyone is interested, there is also a patch that allows to copy measures between two windows:

    The only problem with the patch is that if you press 'Play', the music starts in both tuxguitar windows.

    • Luuk de Waal Malefijt

      I'll be launching a full TuxGuitar / Guitar Pro alternative online. No
      install needed, write tabs like you are used to, but in the browser. Play
      midi, version control, collaborative editing (like Google Docs) and

      On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 7:26 PM, Vadim R. Kotov

      In case anyone is interested, there is also a patch that allows to copy
      measures between two windows:

      The only problem with the patch is that if you press 'Play', the music
      starts in both tuxguitar windows.

      Is TuxGuitar still alive?

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      • Aaron Wolf

        Aaron Wolf - 2016-02-10

        That sounds like SaaSS aside from the collaboration function. If it's fully free/libre/open that'll be nice though. Consider using AGPL

  • volfste2

    volfste2 - 2015-05-02

    Hello, I'm currently working on adding mute/solo checkboxes in the track list. This image illustrates what the result should look like: I've noticed that this functionality is partially implemented in the current version. The mute/solo settings are being shown but changing them still requires an additional right click. I'm modifying the 1.2 version because I'm more used to it. Once I'm done I will upload the result as an independent repository. Should I implement this feature for the current version as well?

    UPDATE: In the end, I decided to modify the current version only. The result can be found at


    Last edit: volfste2 2015-05-26
  • lauraliparulo

    lauraliparulo - 2015-05-14

    Is it possible to contribute to the project to make a newer version?

    • Jerk

      Jerk - 2015-05-16

      You can post patch and hope that project owner applies it.

  • Fletcher VK

    Fletcher VK - 2016-01-19

    The project does seem a lot less dead now that there has been an update (2016-01-08). Hopefully the author(s) also fix their web hosting since the host does not seem to be working for their site. (And I have to say, is pretty confusing for most Americans!) I'm very glad to have found this project at this time, it's pretty exciting.

  • Ignacio Taranto

    Ignacio Taranto - 2016-07-30

    Hi there,
    I have knowledge in C++ and I'm also a musician, I know C++ it's not the same as Java but I could manage.
    How can one start contributing with code?


    Last edit: Ignacio Taranto 2016-07-30
  • carsten neubauer

    hello ignacio, are you still using tuxguitar? i finally got it to build right now, ready to rumble.

  • Ebdim9th

    Ebdim9th - 2021-06-29

    I use the desktop version still, but I use the hell out of the phone app, TuxGuitar app may not have a floating fretboard or a scale list, but because of the compact keyboard, dropdown menu and shortcuts you can move really rapidly, which ameliorates adding notes and effects one at a time tremendously. I work really fast on the app, and when i hit save it stays on the last measure instead of jumping back to the start which itself is an improvement over the desktop version. Some things like half speed practice looping is missing, but the improvements and compactness of the app more than makes up for any missing features.


    Last edit: Ebdim9th 2021-06-29
  • Andres Mora

    Andres Mora - 2022-06-12

    Hi, I'd like to recommend a feature that consist in allow the user to separate some sections of the interface and move them, so they can be placed in any diferent order, or maybe having one window with only one tab on it.


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