
Free Pascal

  • Marco van de Voort

    Wat are the current problems regarding using Free Pascal.?   (1.0.x and 1.1.x respectively)

    (this would make deployment on odd Linux distro's  easier, and add a few targets like the *BSDs)

    • Tomas Bzatek

      Tomas Bzatek - 2003-08-15

      Yeah, I know about this problem. The problem is, that Kylix uses different syntax of some functions and I am afraid, there are missing some classes I'm using. I already tought about it, but this would require to rewrite about 25% amount of code. Kylix is fine for me, I'm using it mainly because it has a perfect IDE with great debugging abilities. When I was starting this project I had to make a decision, whether use Kylix or FPC. Kylix won due to IDE.

      BUT, I don't say that it is impossible to port tuxcmd also to FPC, but somebody else would have to do it :-)
      It will probably not conflict with my development, many parts of code are stable enough and they won't be modified a lot.


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