
Roadmap for 1.5

  • Gero Kohnert

    Gero Kohnert - 2008-08-21

    Hi community,

    After 1.4 is finally out I like to discuss the future roadmap a little bit.

    Here is a unsorted list of what I like to do next.

    1) Add a new layout class which uses GWT-EXT as a base (see disccusion in\)
    This should be a selectable option for users who like not the current Look&Feel

    2) A way to book multiple timefractions with the timetrack module at once
       - something like a multi line inpput form

    3) a state-engine
      A way to define which state transitions are allowed and who might do it
      example only a specific group of users will be able to set a bug from testing to solved
      as these transitions are tutos objects like all others it should be possible to add a watchlist item to them

    4) rework the file module (docmanagement)
      -  Old version of a file are still served with the doc type of the currnt version
      -  Maybe files could be saved as BLOBs in the database

    5) a tagging sytem to give Tags to all types o objects

    6) connecting to some existing WIKI system (example media wiki)
    - generate a WIKI for all new projects/Tasks etc.

    7) connect to a exsiting forum system (which ??)
    - should allow a autologin when logged in to TUTOS

    8) support of testlink as a test system for projects hosted in TUTOS
      is there a demand for something like this (i had only one user who required this)

    9) custom fields that require to enter a TUTOS object name (using AJAX)
        currenly we only know date number and text fields

    Enough ? More ?

    Just give me some feedback. I'll be back in two weeks after vacation.

    Have fun with TUTOS 1.4


    • Manuel Soto

      Manuel Soto - 2008-08-21

      I suggest to include some kind of MIS support, reports or WS/REST queries, which help users to develop managements reports.

      In the actual version,  this is impossible to query database because lot of proyects' measures are computed and embedded inside presentation layer code.


    • Will Watts

      Will Watts - 2008-09-19

      Hi Gero

      Late comment - sorry, onlyu just found this forum.
      4) rework the file module (docmanagement)

      - Maybe files could be saved as BLOBs in the database

      Not keen on this one. One of Tutos's nice features is that it stores the files in the file system - it gives me a warm feeling about being able to get at them and rescue them if something ghastly happens to the database!

      One thing I really love about Tutos is its use of Overlib tooltips to display notes. Now that Ajaz has moved on, I wonder if this idea could be taken further.

      For example, if one hovers over a project link, perhaps get a summary of the contents of the project.

      Or how about being able to get a preview of documents using tooltips? Either minaturised or full?

      Or show the various graphs in tooltip windows on suitable links, without having to click through on them.

      These things would be a lot harder than Notes, and would likely take heaps of coding. But you did ask ;-)


    • Mark Di Nicola

      Mark Di Nicola - 2009-01-09

      Are you still considering  considering re-writing using java servlets or is the website a bit outdated now?


      • Gero Kohnert

        Gero Kohnert - 2009-01-09

        Yes the webiste is a llittle bit outdated here.

        Currently there are no plans to establish another backend or frontend.

        I just thinking about some more javascript stuff to make the userinterface better and easier to understand.


    • Mark Di Nicola

      Mark Di Nicola - 2009-01-09

      The company I work for is looking for a bug/support/crm system and the only one we've come across that fits our needs without too much modification is tutos, but people don't like the look and feel so I might be able to spend a bit of time working on it, although I haven't done much web development before so it would be a learning experience.


    • Märt Laak

      Märt Laak - 2009-02-19

      Thank you Gero for the great software! We use it already several years (from year 2003). Just now upgraded to version 1.4.

      Currently only two things we would like to be imporved in TUTOS:
      * It would be nice to have sortable "last modified on" column in tutos bug_overview.php - tried to add it by ourself but it was too hard for us because lack of last_modified field in bugs table (have to look into history).
      * From 1.4 bug_overview.php gets out of memory error when searching for all 5000 bugs without any filter. So we had to hack bug_overview.php so that added "LIMIT 500" to the end of SELECT query

    • Will Watts

      Will Watts - 2009-06-08

      Hi Gero

      How are you getting on? I still see you are busily committing away.

      Some requests that have come up recently, which i thought I might as well record:

      1. The ability to have subdirectories of some sort in the file management. Some of our projects have > 90 documents in them, it would be really good to be able to organise it so they weren't all available at the same time.

      2. (An easy one!) Reminders extended to repeat at larger intervals that 1 week. We would be interested in
        - every n weeks
        - monthly
        - every n months
        - quarterly
        - annually
        - multiple years

      My Palm calendar software offers clever refinements. For example you can set up repeats like 'The 2nd Monday of every month'. This is very useful.

      3. (Even easier) The public holidays and festivals that one puts in should explicitly be tied to a given year as part of the data. For example, the Christmas holidays move around to accommodate the weekend. I'd like to be able to put in several years in one go and take this into account.

      4. Calendar overviews, that showed several months at a view, or even whole years. Appointments coloured differently, and inspectable in tooltips.

      Well, I thought I would mention it in case you are looking for something to fill your spare time ;-)




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