
Turtle 1.1.0 has been released !

This is a bug fix and enhancements release with the following changes :

  • Added Boost.Test log info when an expectation is fulfilled
  • Fixed a bug preventing to increase the maximum number of arguments of a mocked method using MOCK_MAX_ARGS
  • Changed the default value for MOCK_MAX_ARGS to 9 instead of 10
  • Renamed mock::constraint to mock::call
  • Added custom constraints logging customisation in the same way as parameters
  • Changed the way the default logging of constraints and parameters can be overridden to use a serialization operator to a mock::stream
  • Enhanced logging by lazy serialising constraints and parameters
  • Added the possibility to perform conversions when logging constraints and parameters by defining MOCK_USE_CONVERSIONS

For more information see

Posted by Mathieu Champlon 2011-03-26

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