
Rename Turck MMCache

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  • Robert Hostetter

    Yeah I totally agree that phastcache sounds unprofessional, and a lot like phat.  I liked T-cache, but what about something like P-cache.  PHP Op Code Cache (PHP OCC)  is also a legitimate name.  Often times the simplest name is the best, even if it isn't catchy.

  • John Dell

    John Dell - 2004-02-27

    So how about a vote on the new name?  Let's keep this moving forward!


  • Ilkka Huotari

    Ilkka Huotari - 2004-03-05

    I like PHP OCC, it can be interpreted as PHP Op Code Compiler if one is more interested of the encoding functionality. Works for caching too, as PHP Op Code Cache.

  • Clay Loveless

    Clay Loveless - 2004-03-07

    How about something like "Mach3 for PHP"?

    A loose acronym, that I came to by thinking of:

    "M" (shortened from "MM")
    "A" (Accelerator for PHP)
    "C" (Cache for PHP bytecode)
    "H" (... anyone? This is a throwaway letter for me so far ...)
    "3" (Turck MMCache is on version 2 now, so '3' marks the new lease on life, without losing track of the fact that we're really talking about a 3rd phase of the Turck MMCache codebase.)

    Finally, "Mach3 for PHP" has a nice little ring to it. :)


  • why

    why - 2004-03-07

    I think the name should be decided by the person or persons that takes over the coding of this project.  Sound fair?  Maybe that will get someone to release new versions.

  • Jason Sheets

    Jason Sheets - 2004-03-19

    Zend does not own PHP, PHP is an open source project sponsered by Zend and the current PHP engine is created and maintained by Zend.  In the future the PHP project could decide to use a different engine (not likely but also not impossible).

  • Jason Sheets

    Jason Sheets - 2004-03-19

    There have been many great suggestions, I also agree with the comment that the project staff should make the final decision but feel the community should be very involved.

    I particularly like PHP T-Cache (Both for the Turbo and the Turck) and also PHP OCC. 

    If anyone else is interested in participating in development or HTML/Graphic/Documentation work please let me know as these people will be considered the project team.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-03-29

      +1 for
      PHP T-Cache.

      • Admin Korkman

        Admin Korkman - 2004-03-29

        -1 for T-Cache. Deutsche Telekom has some sort of monopoly on the letter T. They already have T-Mobile, T-Systems, T-Com, T-Net and probably some more trademarks in this style registered. Maybe they come up with T-Cache as a trademark for internet caching (as they are a provider, too).

        And remember, if you write the letter T, DO NOT USE MAGENTA UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES :)

        No for real, they're suing a company for using the letter T stand-alone in their logo, even though it's white on red. Don't challenge fate.

        • John Dell

          John Dell - 2004-03-30

          Huh?  Deutsche Telekom is not going to sue a GPL project. There are no assets to sue.

          Worst case, they politely ask to change name, and we say stuff it.

          +1 PHP T-Cache

          • why

            why - 2004-03-30

            if we can't get sued then let's just call it the Zend Killer

  • - 2004-03-24

    Hi all.

    I'm glad to see that this project will live on--my thanks to the many volounteers who will make this happen and of course, to Dmitry for donating the project to begin with.

    My suggestion for a name: Turcache.

  • H&#337;s Endre

    H&#337;s Endre - 2004-03-29

    Hi all! How about ZEBRA cache? Guess the abbreviation... :) ! Unfortunately there is collission in this name with GNU Zebra routing. :( The name MMCache is the best anyway.

  • Xuefer

    Xuefer - 2004-04-04

    if we can't get sured then it's just called "Zend Killed" :(

  • Kelvin Westlake

    Kelvin Westlake - 2004-04-30

    Gotta give it a funky but yet descriptive name,  just following techie jargon might confuse (although we're all programmers)

    PHP-TC  = PHP Turbo Cache (Op Code Cache)
    PHP-SC  = PHP Super Charger

    I particularly like PHP-TC, just say it to yourself "PHP-TC" it just rolls off the togue and its also pretty funky :P

    Turbo Op Code Cache

  • The Mad Butcher

    The Mad Butcher - 2004-05-03

    What about XLphp ?

    I've found that most php-alike names are 'on-hold'.. Whatever that means ;)

    Check the forum (topic) at:

  • Kelvin Westlake

    Kelvin Westlake - 2004-05-03

    An "On Hold" domains usually means that the registration has expired but the Registrar has put a look on it to stop somebody else from hijacking the domain name.

    Well the TC ones are still available.

  • Gabriel Ricard

    Gabriel Ricard - 2004-05-04

    My vote would be to just leave the name as mmcache. It's not really a Turck product, so you can drop that, but the configure parameter has always been --enable-mmcache , so why not leave it with a recognizable name? It doesn't matter if it uses the mm lib anymore or not. Come up with a new meaning for 'mm'.

    • Konstantin Pelepelin

      MMCache is already a well-known name. No need to change, better find another meaning for MM. For example, My Memory Cache :)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2004-05-25

    Yes, change the name to Turck Cache.

  • Thien

    Thien - 2004-11-03

    I suggest combining forces with PHP Accelerator by combining communities, websites, and projects.

    I'm noticing that the mmcache and PHP Accelerator projects and communities are struggling for critical mass needed to sustain themselves.  I'm suggesting to both groups the possibility of combining ..

    No offense meant to any developers.  Both products have many good attributes, but without critical mass of both users and developers the products don't keep up with changes and lack the vibrant interflow found in forums of popular open-source projects like phpbb and

  • Kimachi Media - Australia

    I joined SourceForge specifically to contribute to this project today...

    What about:

    GINZE - As in ("Ginze" Is Not Zend Encoder)

    • Alan Campbell

      Alan Campbell - 2004-12-06

      I like the whole recursive acronym idea, always reminds you of the roots of OS!

      How about simple ideas such as:
      o TNT (TNT's Not Turck)
      o ANA (ANA's Not an Accelerator)
      o ANAE (ANAE's Not an Acceleration Engine)

      More commercial-sounding names such as "Advanced Caching Engine - ACE" or "pCache" etc may appeal more to corporate users (everyone likes shiny wapping paper...)

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