
second stage of the parser complete

See the SVN (subversion) repository for the latest revision (under the "Code" menu)

Onto the third stage:

* public void collectImplicitDeclarations();
* 3. for each remaining identifier token, check if it's in member_types list, if not:
* 3.1 look for prototype that matches,
* 3.1.a if found one, it is an anonymous net. give it an anon name ("___1","___2",etc.), replace token w/that name, and add to member_types list
* 3.1.b if not, it is a channel. add to member_types accordingly (as named channel).
* 3.1.b.catch if it has blank name (just a dim map), give it an anon name and replace token, then add to member_types as such.

Posted by Kevin Baas 2010-08-03

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