
creating new tables

  • PMCAero

    PMCAero - 2013-07-19

    I would like to be able to have contacts separate from the clients, so that there is an easier way to add multiple contacts to a client, just by ID.
    Also, I would like to store employees expenses (reimbursables), in a new table, so that each user can enter data for travel, etc, based on the days/per diem, etc.
    Has anyone done these, any pointers?

  • tommo

    tommo - 2013-07-23

    Quite an number of suggestions here, all of which will take time to develop.

    If you have time to contribute, I can get you SVN access and we can make a branch for your work, but don't expect too much help.

  • PMCAero

    PMCAero - 2013-07-26

    I have been using a php-mysql code generator, and am now linking the pages from the timesheet menu. styling won't be the same, but I am in a bit of time crunch :)


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