
Tray Rss / News: Recent posts

TrayRSS 1.5.0

Hi there!

TrayRSS took the next milestone! See what's new and what will come in the next version:

Kind regards

Posted by ThomasP 2013-06-15

TrayRSS 1.3.0

Hi there!

I'm proud to announce a new release of TrayRSS!
See what has changed and what will change in the future here:

Kind regards

Posted by ThomasP 2013-03-24 Labels: release

New TrayRSS release! New localization in 1.2.

Hi there,

I'm proud to announce, that i've finished the work on the new TrayRSS Version last week. Big changes occure in this release! The first one could be recognized at the startup of TrayRSS if you're a previous user. To enhance the new modern look of TrayRSS a new SplashScreen and a new TaskIcon where drawn. Besides some gui fixes like the fitting table cells in the feed config window, TrayRSS got a new localization solution. All the strings used in the RSS Reader are now taken from propertie files. This provides the chance to translate the programm in some more languages within the next releases. If you're interested in a translation to your mother tongue, feel free to contact me, perhaps with an comment on this blog entry?... read more

Posted by ThomasP 2011-09-12

With flying colours - TrayRSS 1.1.0 is here

TrayRSS 1.1.0 is available now! Besides some bugfixes it contains a major redesign of the configuration window. It is now seperated into three tabs containing general parameters, the feeds the tool should monitor and the time settings, where the user can specify the timeframes when TrayRSS monitors the feeds. As a new functionallity the user can disable the timeframes with a single click now, before he had to specify a timeframe from 0000 to 2359.... read more

Posted by ThomasP 2011-07-03

Finally it arrives – TrayRSS goes gold

Finally it's done, TrayRSS 1.0 arrived.

After getting a very low amount of responses to the beta, i've decided to release it into 1.0.
Go TrayRSS, have a nice life! And if there are any problems, feel free to come back, to get an update.

At the Moment there are no Open Requests, so the developement will stand still. I'm glad it's done, and i hope you will enjoy the software as much as i enjoyed to write it. If there are any suggestions feel free to contact me.... read more

Posted by ThomasP 2010-10-04

TrayRSS goes Beta!

Hello again,
it tooked a while but finally i'm glad to announce, that TrayRSS is now in Beta Stage. Within Version 0.7 all functions are implemented.

The main improvements are:
+ persistence
+ monitoring
+ timeframe validation

To read the complete changes take a look at:

You can download TrayRSS 0.7 Beta here: read more

Posted by ThomasP 2010-05-14

TrayRSS 0.6 Alpha released!

Hi there!

I'm glad to announce the release of TrayRSS 0.6 Alpha! Some weeks to late, but satisfying my requirements for this release.
Get it here:

The main new feature is the tooltip displayed in the right lower corner, in which the option is given to open the entry in a browser. This tool tip will be shown periodly right now, the handling which entry to display is the goal of the next release.... read more

Posted by ThomasP 2009-12-15

Weppage launched

Hi there!

I'm glad to announce you that TrayRSS now has it's own Webpage. You can find it under . Some content still has to be moved from the wiki to the new page, and it will grow a bit in the future (screenshots, features, ...).
If you need support or further information on the project, or simply wish to download the newest version visit the page and it will redirect you to your goal.... read more

Posted by ThomasP 2009-08-19

New Release 0.5 Alpha

Hi there!

I'm proud that i can offer you a new alpha version von TrayRSS. In version 0.5 the main new features are:
- multilanguage support (no extra release necessary)
- complete management of feeds that will be monitored
- persistence of the complete configuration
- vacation selection updated
- few bugfixes

I want to excuse myself, cause the last release wasn't complete. Necessary configfiles where located in the jar but the program didn't find them, cause of a testing fault. I've discoverd it very late - 110 Downloads but no feedback. In this version it should be fixed.... read more

Posted by ThomasP 2009-08-03

Additional Release to Alpha 0.4

Hi there! As a tribute to the fact that TrayRSS is developed supporting many translations, Today a german version has been released.

Have fun

Posted by ThomasP 2009-07-16

Alpha 0.4 released

Hi there, short info:
Alpha 0.4 has been released!
The sceleton of trayrss is now finished, time to get this thing to work!

Posted by ThomasP 2009-07-15

Redesign finished

Due to some developement problems, Alpha 0.3 was aborted to perform a redesign. After collecting the basic requirements and transform them into use cases and a class diagram, the project will now move on to the next sagte. A restart of the developement, so stay tuned for Alpha 0.4, which will be a GUI Prototype of TrayRSS

To take a deeper look at the design decisions check this link: read more

Posted by ThomasP 2009-05-20

Alpha 0.2 released

Hi there!

The goal of this tool is to offer the user a fast and cheap way to read news given by an RSS or ATOM feed by tray notifications. To read the news, it will open a browser.

And now there is the first release of it. Only an alpha with an output to the command line, but it works!

Next release will be there soon, stay tuned :P

Posted by ThomasP 2009-04-09