
Transenc Specification Version 0.10

This specification uses the Augmented Backus-Naur Form with the following extension: %xZZ is a short-hand notation for %x00-FF, which represents any value between %x00 and %xFF.


Transenc consists of a sequence of tokens, and a token consists of one or more octets. Each token starts with an octet containing a type, and some tokens may be followed by additional octets. There are four kinds of types, which are described below.

Value types

Value types consists of a single octet that contains both the type and the value. Value types occupy three type ranges.

The range %x00 to %x7F are small positive integers that encode the values 0 to 127. For example, the value 1 is encoded as %x01.

The range %xE0 to %xFF are small negative integers that encode the values -32 to -1. For example, the value -1 is encoded as %xFF.

The range %x80 to %x8F is reserved for special values. For example, the boolean value of true is encoded as %x81.

Unknown value tokens can be skipped by advancing over the type octet.

Fixed-length types

Fixed-length types require a fixed amount of octets to carry the value. The type contains information about the primitive data type of the value (e.g. integer or floating-point), and the number of octets in the value. The value must be located immediately after the type.

The primitive data type is encoded into the type by the following bit pattern.

Bit pattern Primitive type
ZZZZ Z000 Signed integer
ZZZZ Z001 Character
ZZZZ Z010 Float
ZZZZ Z011 Byte
ZZZZ Z100 Reserved for future use
ZZZZ Z101 Reserved for future use
ZZZZ Z110 Reserved for future use
ZZZZ Z111 Reserved for future use

The size type is encoded into the type by the following bit patterns.

Bit pattern Size type Size in octets
1010 0ZZZ 8-bits 1
1011 0ZZZ 16-bits 2
1100 0ZZZ 32-bits 4
1101 0ZZZ 64-bits 8

For example, the 16-bits signed integer value 4660 (0x1234) is encoded as %xB0.12.34.

Unknown fixed-length tokens can be skipped by advancing over the type octet plus the following 1, 2, 4, or 8 octets depending on the size type.

Variable-length types

Variable-length types require a variable amount of octets to carry the value. Variable-length tokens are encoded as a type-length-value sequence. The type contains information about the primitive data type of the value (e.g. string.) The length is an integer and contains the number of octets in the value.

The primitive data type is encoded in the same way as described for fixed-length types. The length type is encoded by the following bit patterns.

Bit pattern Length type Length in octets
1010 1ZZZ 8-bits 1
1011 1ZZZ 16-bits 2
1100 1ZZZ 32-bits 4
1101 1ZZZ 64-bits 8

For example, the string "AB" is encoded as %xA9.02.41.42.

The length is encoded as an unsigned integer. Because some programming languages do not support unsigned integers and therefore have difficulty representing an unsigned 64-bit number, we have limited the range of 64-bits lengths to be less than 263. This means that the length can be implemented using a signed 64-bits integer. Lengths equal to or greater than 263 must be reported as errors.

    length   = length8 / length16 / length32 / length64
    length8  = 1%x00-FF
    length16 = 2%x00-FF
    length32 = 4%x00-FF
    length64 = %x00-7F.7%x00-FF

Unknown variable-length tokens can be skipped by advancing over the type octet, read the length type, advance over the length type, and finally advance over the subsequent number of octets determined by the length.

Group types

Group types consists of a single octet that signifies either an opening or a closing token. They occupy the range %x90 to %x9F.

Groups are used to encode composite data types. A group consists of an opening token and a corresponding closing token. An opening token must be followed by a closing token later in the stream. Groups can be nested inside other groups, so the opening and closing tokens must be balanced. Unbalanced groups must be reported as errors.

The group token uses the least significant bit, bit 0, to distinguish between opening and closing tokens, and bits 1-3 to identify the specific group.

Bit pattern Group brackets
1001 ZZZ0 Open group ZZZ
1001 ZZZ1 Close group ZZZ

Unknown group tokens can be skipped by advancing over the opening type octet, and continue skipping over the subsequent tokens (according to their skipping rules) until the balanced closing type is encountered, and finally skipping over the closing type.

Data Types

The abovementioned structure is used to encode the actual data types.


Null is a nullable type that indicates the absence of a value.

    null = %x82


Booleans can be either true or false.

    boolean = true / false
    true    = %x81
    false   = %x80


Integers are two's complement signed numbers. The values are ordered as little endian.

    int           = small-pos-int / small-neg-int / int8 / int16 / int32 / int64
    small-pos-int = %x00-7F
    small-neg-int = %xE0-FF
    int8          = %xA0 %xZZ
    int16         = %xB0 %xZZ.ZZ
    int32         = %xC0 %xZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ
    int64         = %xD0 %xZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ


Floats are IEEE 754 encoded numbers with single or double precision. The values are ordered as little endian.

    float   = float32 / float64
    float32 = %xC2 %xZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ
    float64 = %xD2 %xZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ


Binary data (a.k.a. byte-buffer or octet-buffer) is a variable-length type that may contain a BLOB.

    binary   = binary8 / binary16 / binary32 / binary64
    binary8  = %xAB length8 data
    binary16 = %xBB length16 data
    binary32 = %xCB length32 data
    binary64 = %xDB length64 data


String is a variable-length type. The length is encoded as for binary data. The value must be UTF-8 encoded. Invalid UTF-8 encoding must be reported as errors.

    string   = string8 / string16 / string32 / string64
    string8  = %xA9 length8 data
    string16 = %xB9 length16 data
    string32 = %xC9 length32 data
    string64 = %xD9 length64 data


All containers are potentially nested, so opening and closing group types must be balanced.

The following rules are used to describe the specific container types.

    container = record / array / map
    element   = container / null / boolean / int / float / binary / string
    count     = int / null


A record (also known as tuple or struct) is a sequence of pre-determined elements. The definition of a record is assumed to be known to both the sender and the receiver, so there is no reason to embed type of size information into the encoding.

    record = open0 *element close0
    open0  = %x90
    close0 = %x91


An array is a sequence of elements.

    array  = open1 count *element close1
    open1  = %x92
    close1 = %x93

For a heterogenous array, the encoding uses an optional count to indicate how many elements are in the array.

For streaming arrays, the array encoding is used, but with count set to null.

Associative array

An associative array is a collection of key-value pairs. A pair is a record with two elements.

    map    = open6 count *pair close6
    pair   = open0 key value close0
    key    = element
    value  = element
    open6  = %x9C
    close6 = %x9D

Transenc Summary

This table contains a summary of all the currently defined tokens. All tokens not mentioned below are reserved for future use. Ellipsis (...) indicates a continuous range of tokens beween the row above and the row below.

Hex Binary Type Size Description
%x00 0000 0000 int8 1 Value 0
%x7F 0111 1111 int8 1 Value 127
%x80 1000 0000 bool 1 False
%x81 1000 0001 bool 1 True
%x82 1000 0010 null 1 Null
%x90 1001 0000 open0 1 Open record
%x91 1001 1000 close0 1 Close record
%x92 1001 0001 open1 1 Open array
%x93 1001 1111 close1 1 Close array
%x9C 1001 0010 open6 1 Open associative array
%x9D 1001 1111 close6 1 Close associative array
%xA0 1010 0000 int8 1 + 1 8-bits signed integer.
%xA9 1010 1001 string8 1 + 1 + N String with int8 length.
N = number of octets in string.
%xAB 1010 1000 binary8 1 + 1 + N Octet array with int8 length.
N = Number of octets in array.
%xB0 1011 0000 int16 1 + 2 16-bits signed integer.
%xB9 1011 1001 string16 1 + 2 + N String with int16 length.
N = number of octets in array.
%xBB 1011 1000 binary16 1 + 2 + N Octet array with int16 length.
N = Number of octets in array.
%xC0 1100 0000 int32 1 + 4 32-bits signed integer.
%xC2 1100 0010 float32 1 + 4 32-bits float.
%xC9 1100 1001 string32 1 + 4 + N String with int32 length.
N = Number of octets in string.
%xCB 1100 1000 binary32 1 + 4 + N Octet array with int32 length.
N = Number of octets in array.
%xD0 1101 0000 int64 1 + 8 64-bits signed integer.
%xD2 1101 0010 float64 1 + 8 64-bits float.
%xD9 1101 1001 string64 1 + 8 + N String with int64 length.
N = Number of octets in string.
%xDB 1101 1000 binary64 1 + 8 + N Octet array with int64 length.
N = Number of octets in array.
%xE0 1110 0000 int8 1 Value -32
%xFF 1111 1111 int8 1 Value -1


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