
Turbo Power and Delphi 2006

  • Bogdan SCANTEIE

    Bogdan SCANTEIE - 2006-02-09

    Hi !

    I try to use the XMLPartner with Delphi 2006. I succed in compiling the project but when I try to execute it, it fails in the function LoadMemory(value[1],length(Value))

    The error message is
    Line1 Col1 Error: Expected String '<'

    I've checked and the XML string that I pass over is well formed.

    Does anyone has any ideas ?

    Thanks in advance,

    P.S: the same project works fine in Delphi 7.

    • Matt

      Matt - 2006-03-08

      I had a similar problem, not sure if its related or not.  Check out:

      Turbopower uses WideChars so whereever it uses
        WideChar_Variable = ''
      it will return false

    • Bogdan SCANTEIE

      Bogdan SCANTEIE - 2006-03-09

      Thanks dogcatmouse !

      You were right.

      Have a nice day !

    • delphiForever

      delphiForever - 2008-03-12


      I have the same error under D2007 (went from D7 to D2007, it should be good coz it also has a 7 in it :)).

      while I now understand xml partners uses widechar and windechar='' gives false, I've changed

        DOMString = WideString;
        DOMString = String;


        DOMChar = WideChar; 
        PDOMChar = PWideChar;
        TXpUcs4Char = Longint;
        TXpUtf8Char = string[6];

      Yet I run into other problems. Before running them down and fix them all and ... cripple the packet, I wanted to know how you fixed it ?



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