
Would it be possible to add starting times to the matches (n/t)

  • Gunnar

    Gunnar - 2014-01-14


  • Josep Castellví Anguera


    Thank you for commenting on Tournament.
    What do you mean by adding starting time to the matches? Specifing the start time of the tournament and getting the start time of each match?

  • Gunnar

    Gunnar - 2014-01-18

    Yes, exactly

  • Josep Castellví Anguera

    Hello Gunnar,

    I take note of it for future releases. Right now I'm extremely busy with my job and I have not really much time to do it but I'm planning to upload a new release of Tournament in the future and I'll add your idea.
    Of course your contribution is encouraged and if you want to modify it yourseld I'll be happy to update it and add your name to the credits ;)


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