
Getting it to run.

  • Brian

    Brian - 2006-10-09

    I have everything installed and running on a linux box.  In the Readme.txt is say start the BTQueue in "scheduler" mode.  does that mean that apache needs to have a full user running?  also, does that mean you still need to a screen going?  cant you run it with the daemon option?

    thanks for your help.


    • Brian

      Brian - 2006-10-09

      I was able to get it up and running. with a user running the btqueue.  Then I came across the issue when a torrent file is upload it is owned by the apache user with 600 permissions.  So for me to get past that I added a line in the index.c.php in the section that delt with file uploads.

      After the move_uploaded_file I added:
      chmod($TorrentPath . "/" . $TorrentFile, 0777);
      so it would change the permissions to 777 so my user could access it.

      It worked like a champ.

      Let me know if I should be doing this another way.

      But I am working for now.


      • Lloyd Bottomley

        Lloyd Bottomley - 2006-10-09

        You may well be able to run it in daemon mode, it just refused to connect for me, I have no idea why. The only disadvantage to " scheduler" is you need a logged in user to have it open. I just used "screen". (Now I'm running it on Windows 2003)

        The uploaded file permissions doesn't surprise me. This is the good thing about it running on other's systems, with different setups. I'll add it in on the next version.


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