
2.0 Vista schema browser

  • David Crawford

    David Crawford - 2008-11-05

    Vista Ultimate
    Oracle 11g

    installs fine
    with oracle_home set, Oracle TNS connection works
    SQL editor appears to work ok

    Schema browser appears to retrieve all items
    When I attempt to display information about an item in the browser, TORA aborts.

    When I display data, etc. from project manager, a small scrollable section appears in Template result that doesn't appear to be resizable, and shows now information.  It appears that column headers may be partly showing below the scrollbar.  And the filter popup window works ok, but nothing appears for single row editing.

    • Mike Johnson

      Mike Johnson - 2008-11-06

      I believe the Windows builds require 10g client. You should be able to run this with any database 8i and on. Without it, weird things will happen.


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