
Error unable to connect to database

Hade Dsa
  • Hade Dsa

    Hade Dsa - 2010-03-03


    I have tried most of the solution proposed in different post but none worked for me. I'm trying to get Tora 2.1 to work on Oracle 10g client - Win XP. I have the created the TNS_ADMIN and ORACLE_HOME environment variable. I connect with TNS but get the error "unable to connect to database". Should the client be installed in the Tora folder. I dont know where the problem lies.

    Need your help and thanks for your time.

  • Gerard H. Pille

    Gerard H. Pille - 2010-03-03

    Why did you not try ALL the proposed solutions?  Especially the one about the stub dll should not be skipped.

  • Hade Dsa

    Hade Dsa - 2010-03-03

    Can you please give me some more details about stub dll solution.

  • Nathan Neulinger

    In the installation directory there is a file oci.dll that is a STUB so that TOra functions even if you don't have Oracle client installed. If you DO have the oracle client installed, this stub file should be removed.

  • Hade Dsa

    Hade Dsa - 2010-03-04

    Great that worked. I can take a sigh of relief now. Oh man knowledge does give you peace of mind and thanks for sharing for knowledge with me.

  • Aalok Agrawal

    Aalok Agrawal - 2010-05-13

    I have installed Tora 2.1.1 on windows xp machine, which have Oracle client 10.2.0 installed. I have set both the environment variables correctly. But when try to connect to database, getting error "Unable to get error description".

    Interestingly, I have removed oci.dll from installed folder also. Even then also, I am not able to connect. Please help


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