
Support for Oracle 10g

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2005-12-08

    It would be nice to have support for Oracle 9 and 10g. I would like to volunteer for that effort.

    Mani Achanta
    Enterprise Architect
    (@Major Health Insurance Company)

    • Mike Johnson

      Mike Johnson - 2005-12-08

      It should work, are you having a problem?

    • Georg Thoma

      Georg Thoma - 2005-12-15


      I use Tora 1.3.18 without problems with Oracle 8i,9i and 10g.

      kind regards
      Georg Thoma

      P.S: I think it makes more sense to get rid of the --with-KDE '&' problem

      • Volker Götz

        Volker Götz - 2005-12-16

        Please drop me a line which dialogs suffer from the inserted '&' problem. I have patched some forms to get rid of it, but there are more to do.

        Best regards

        • Georg Thoma

          Georg Thoma - 2005-12-20

          Hi Volker,

          I took the CVS version and compiled it with-kde. The  '&' problem is gone but now I have a new problem.
          If I try the DB extraction for example and switch to the result the right scroll bar is not visible in the TOra window. I have to resize the window to reach the scrollbar. I think the scrollbar should be fixed to the right side of the window

          kind regards
          Georg Thoma

    • Georg Thoma

      Georg Thoma - 2005-12-16


      I compiled the CVS version yesterday and found no more '&' problem since then.
      I will inform you when I find one.

      kind regards
      Georg Thoma


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