
#891 "Couldn't validate library file: C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Connector C 6.1/lib/lib/opt/libmysql.dll"


TOra version: Version 3.0.0.(5131svn)
QT version: 4.8.6
OS: Windows 2007

ALL software packages are 64-bit

I installed the MySQL connector and Graphviz as per instructions in the readme file.

I did not install the Oracle InstantClient libs as I only have a MySQL database which I want to connect to. Mind you the MySQL database is on a server on the LAN and I want to use TOra on my desktop to connect to that server to browser objects/run-queries/update-tables etc.

When I tried to launch TOra i got the "No available connection provider" error. I then saw that the ReadME file said that I had to configure the paths for the MySQL and Graphviz installs. So I went to Edit -> Preferences -> Global Settings -> Paths.

I noticed that the Graphviz path was already populated so I didn't make a change. The MySQL path was empty so I tried to changed it to:

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Connector C 6.1\lib

I also checked that the libmysql.dll and libmysql.lib are in the MySQL Connector C 6.1\lib folder.

However, I got the following error:

"Couldn't validate library file: C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Connector C 6.1/lib/lib/opt/libmysql.dll"

Why is TOra looking for the libmysql.dll in sub-directory /lib/opt under the /lib directory? Then MySQL installer does NOT install the libmysql.dll under /lib/lib/opt.

ERROR:Overwrite description of nonmodified (toQSqlConnection:ConnectionID)
ERROR:Overwrite description of nonmodified (toQSqlConnection:Version)
----12556 core\main.cpp:305 int cdecl main(int,char **)----
Ignored exception:Couldn't open file C:/Users/blahblah/.torasql.
----QObject::connect: Cannot connect DotGraphView::removeEdge(const QString&) to
(null)::removeEdge(const QString&)
QObject::connect: Cannot connect DotGraphView::removeNodeNamed(const QString&) t
o (null)::removeNodeNamed(const QString&)
1QObject::connect: Cannot connect DotGraphView::removeElement(const QString&) to
(null)::removeElement(const QString&)
2556 docklets\tocodeoutline.cpp:102
cdecl toCodeOutline::toCodeOutline(cla
ss QWidget ,class QFlags<enum Qt::WindowType="">)----
void toQueryModel::timerEvent(QTimerEvent
e) fired
Object::connect: No such slot toMain::addConnection(toConnection conn, bool)
----12556 core\utils.cpp:790 class QToolBar
cdecl Utils::toAllocBar(class
QWidget ,const class QString &)----
Ignored exception: Couldn't find parent connection. Internal error.
----12556 core\utils.cpp:790 class QToolBar
cdecl Utils::toAllocBar(class
QWidget ,const class QString &)----
Ignored exception: Couldn't find parent connection. Internal error.
----12556 core\utils.cpp:790 class QToolBar
__cdecl Utils::toAllocBar(class
QWidget *,const class QString &)----
Ignored exception: Couldn't find parent connection. Internal error.


  • Ivan Brezina

    Ivan Brezina - 2016-03-06
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • assigned_to: Ivan Brezina
    • Group: -->
  • Ivan Brezina

    Ivan Brezina - 2016-03-06



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