
ldap password

  • Maksimenko Alexander

    have again problem with authentication ;)

    I've updated tolven on Friday and could not login after that. It complained about null parameter in ObjectName class.
    Today I've re-install tolven completely and got the following exception while login: Failed to decode password: null
        sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

    in log files I found the following

    2006-11-20 14:51:05,031 DEBUG [] setRepository,,$CacheClassLoader@1124642{ url=null ,addedOrder=0}
    2006-11-20 14:51:05,031 DEBUG [] Failed to decode password
    Caused by: javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length must be multiple of 8 when decrypting with padded cipher
        at com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE_h.b(DashoA12275)
        at com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE_h.b(DashoA12275)
        at com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE_af.b(DashoA12275)

    • John Churin

      John Churin - 2006-11-20

      Joe provides a hint that may help while we diagnose this further:

      "It's likely the ldapserver.password file in JBoss' conf directory does not match the entry in tolvenApplicationLDAP [in file tolven-ldap-service.xml] i.e. the ldapserver.password could not be decoded, and therefore returned null. They might want to cross-reference that ldapserver.passsword with the one in the stage."


      • Joseph Isaac

        Joseph Isaac - 2006-11-21

        I am not sure what configuration caused this error. But, I synchronized with the CVS HEAD, created a demo user and logged into the application, and there were no errors, indicating that the HEAD is fine. From that configuration, I went to the tolvenApplicationLDAP application policy located in server/conf/login-config.xml, and changed one letter of the password. This resulted in the identical error reported. Again, not knowing the configuration in which the error occurred, I would suggest, comparing or replacing your login-config.xml with the one in your stage directory (simply replacing the password may be enough). I would also replace the server/conf/ldap.password with the one in stage, since these two must be in synch for the password to succesfully decode.


    • Maksimenko Alexander

      strange but it not works for me ;(
      I've updated from HEAD, deleted stage directory and made step-by-step what described in but had this error again ;(

      in tolven-ldap-service.xml
      <attribute name="KeyStorePass">

      and I checked that this file is processed while starting service so it couldn't be any missmatch

      • Joseph Isaac

        Joseph Isaac - 2006-11-22

        I have added two targets to the security build.xml, which allow the LDAP and DB credentials to be tested for validity. The main targets are: <validate-jboss-ldap-credentials> and <validate-jboss-db-credentials>. Be sure to enter the correct values (I would suggest cut and paste for the hashes). Let me know what the result of both the LDAP and DB tests are.


    • Maksimenko Alexander

      thanks for such great support!
      strange but validation test said that everything ok

      I've solved this problem by copying content from pgserver.password to ldapserver.password and updating solt and hashes
      after  that password to database and ldap became identical and login performs without problems

      so the problem is only ldap. if you want I can send you any config files

      • Joseph Isaac

        Joseph Isaac - 2006-11-23

        The ldapserver.password and pgserver.password currently have the same master password and iterations by default, but the salt is different. The salt and iterations can be changed in But copying pgserver.password to ldapserver.password should not work, if that's all that was done, unless both the salt and iterations are the same (and the keystore password too), and that would mean that they would have had to have been changed from the defaults. However, if your system is working now, then there is no need to send any config files.



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