lezin - 2014-06-20

When a holistic rejuvenation therapy is in the mind it is considered wise to go for Kerala Ayurvedic treatment as this promises a complete rejuvenation program for the body and the mind. After the period of therapy one gains a complete health boost with self–healing faculties functioning in its prime efficiency rendering the ageing process to stop reversing time. Ayurveda is the oldest healthcare system in the world and its origin is from the historical theories that are combined as contemporary procedures and protocols which when adopted with absolute dedication will promise self –healing powers. Since this age old healthcare system has its origin from Kerala referred to as ‘god’s own country’ a visit to this eternal scenic beauty will eliminate all doubts that creep up in your mind as to why this state requires such a position. The heavenly beautiful state is the home of lush green forests and vegetation with back waters lining the herbal extravaganza which comprises of countless medicinal herbs that have been discovered and used in Ayurveda to cure various ailments and there are millions waiting yet to be discovered. The climate of Kerala makes it one of the few places on earth where the medicines in Ayurveda work at its best. Since the climate retains its humidity throughout the year even during the monsoon this place makes it the ideal destination for healthcare packages and massaging therapy. Researchers have agreed on the fact that Kerala is the only place where the climate makes it for to treat the patients as advised by the contemporary protocols and strict guidelines in Ashtangahridaya – the holy book of all ayurvedic practitioners.