
tMike's PHP Rss Aggregator / News: Recent posts

Alpha 2 Release

A new alpha version released today.

Relevant changes include:
-Repair to the cookie code; domain no longer hard coded.
-A few changes to layout and RSS rendering make site easier and more sensible to read.

That'll do it for this one, thanks a lot!
Mike Westbom

Posted by Michael Westbom 2008-05-04

Developers Needed!

I am just one person and am inexperienced in a great many things. I need help improving many facets of my code or perhaps implementing new features.

Currently my code is largely insecure. Inputs need to be sanitized, perhaps implement some sort of stored procedures for input handling, any other holes that may be should be plugged. I'd like someone to look at it and tell me how I can do better. I mostly want to learn. Any takers?

Posted by Michael Westbom 2008-01-10

First Release!

tMike's PHP RSS Aggregator is a small, web-based, rss aggregator written in PHP. It is written to be simple to use, easy to customize with css, and easy to install.

Now usable by the public. Version 0.0.1 is considered alpha-quality and is poorly optimized. Several things still need to be finished, but at least it works! Can be downloaded here: read more

Posted by Michael Westbom 2008-01-03