
#777 Mouse glide over words that are too long to be fully displayed (mclistbox, tree, etc.) should display bubble help with full text.

obsolete: 8.3.1

OriginalBugID: 5468 RFE
Version: 2.0b9
SubmitDate: '2000-05-11'
LastModified: '2000-09-03'
Severity: MED
Status: Released
Submitter: kuchler
ChangedBy: sven
OS: All
FixedDate: '2000-09-03'
FixedInVersion: 2.0b10

This was a request from Hilen Amin from Integral

The request was that when the mouse has glided over a word that is too
long to be fully displayed (a long variable name, a long action name,
the name of the DOM/dtd in the variable tree, etc. that a bubble pop
up over the text that the mouse is over, that displays the full string
that the mouse is over.

This way when your mouse is over a phrase like
"DOM:cfoWebConnect.dtd (cfoWebConnect)" in the variable tree,
the bubble will show that whole phrase even though the phrase is
clipped by the edge of the variable box (if it is of a normal size)
at about "DOM:cfoWebConnct" or so (depending on your resolution, etc.)

Doubt this can be done for 2.0.

This would be awesome, but I think that the new core widgets will need to provide enough support to deal with this.
-- 05/12/2000 redman

I got a version of this working in my development tree this weekend.
It isn't as polished as I would like yet, but it is possible that it
could be done (at least for the Tree's and the Mclistbox's).

It wasn't too hard to do, but it would have been easier if there was
better core support for mega widgets. In particular when I bind to
the megawidget (the bwidget Tree or the mclistbox) for things like
<Motion> it would be nice if the component widgets (the listboxes, and
the canvas respectively) would see and respect that binding. Currently
I have hacks in my code for these widget classes that add the binding
to these child widgets in these two specific cases, and then I check my
list of registered widgets for the widget that causes that bound function
to be called.

If the widget isn't in the list of registered widgets, then I look for the
[winfo parent] of the widget, and I continue until I find the 'real' widget.

It would be nice if it were possible to link together the child widgets in
such a way that the main megawidget's bindings affect the children, but
when they call the bound function %W is still the path of the megawidget.
-- 05/14/2000 kuchler

The original request has now been satisfied with the changes that I checked
into the core today, but the core team should still consider the hoops
that I jumped through when they work more on the megawidget support to
see if there is better support that can be given by the core so that multiple widgts can act as one (with respect to the bindings).
-- 05/15/2000 kuchler

Integrate this...
-- 09/03/2000 sven


  • Brent B. Welch

    Brent B. Welch - 2000-10-31
    • priority: 5 --> 2
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2001-03-23
    • labels: 104344 -->