
#3089 Keyboard is ignored with SCIM


This is a continuation of 905830 and, maybe, 1919791.
If there is environment variable XMODIFIERS is equal to "@im=SCIM" and scim is running, then in quite often Tk ignores keyboard input.
I am attaching a simple Tk testcase. It fails with wish 8.4 and 8.5. OS is Red Hat 5.3, desktop is Gnome.
We had several ways to reproduce the problem, but I selected a shortest one, using tool tips. I am attaching a script implementing tool tips that
I found years ago and modified a little bit for us.
To reproduce the problem:
1) Find Gnome on Red Hat or possible other Linux.
2) copy both files to any place.
3) setenv XMODIFIERS "@im=SCIM"
4) wish s.tcl
5) move mouse to entry or text widget and wait till a tool tip appears
6) try to type
7) you may need to move mouse in and out the area to update tool tips.
That's it.
Clicking on other window and then back helps to restore input for a while.


  • Yevgen Ryazanov

    Yevgen Ryazanov - 2013-04-10
  • Yevgen Ryazanov

    Yevgen Ryazanov - 2013-04-10
  • Donal K. Fellows

    What *exact* patchlevel of Tk is this? That value is in the global tk_patchLevel variable.

    I ask because I'm not sure if we've changed things in this area during the 8.5 lifecycle; we need to know if this is something that might already be fixed but not deployed to your system. Or maybe we've just got the IM handling wrong. (It's historically been a *very* under-documented part of X11.)

  • Yevgen Ryazanov

    Yevgen Ryazanov - 2013-04-10

    I reproduced it with
    8.4.13 - Linux wish
    8.5b3 - Linux wish8.5
    8.5.5 - my app

  • Yevgen Ryazanov

    Yevgen Ryazanov - 2013-04-11

    Downloaded, built and tested 8.6.0. The same.

  • Yevgen Ryazanov

    Yevgen Ryazanov - 2013-04-11

    That variable is most cases is set by Gnome itself. In my system it is in