
#2942 tearoff iconifys on loss of focus

obsolete: 8.5.9
Tom Turkey

When a popup menu is torn off, the resultant menu is iconified if the parent loses focus. This is a problem particularly if the tearoff is moved outside of the parent window, in which case it is very hard to get focus back to the menu. A simple case:
menu .foo -tearoff 1
.foo add command -label "foov"
bind . <3> "tk_popup .foo %X %Y

The right click in the window and do the tear off. When the mouse leaves the main window the tearoff will iconify.

By the way, this does not happen on Windows systems.


  • Steven

    Steven - 2012-04-05

    This bug annoys me too. It is visible in 8.5.9 and 8.6b2, but not 8.5.7
    The above example is missing an end quote. It should be

    menu .foo -tearoff 1
    .foo add command -label "foov"
    bind . <3> "tk_popup .foo %X %Y"
    # Hopefully - not a input parser issue

  • Donal K. Fellows

    What window manager are you using?

  • Donal K. Fellows

    • milestone: --> obsolete: 8.5.9
  • Donal K. Fellows

    I ask that because I wonder if this is related to the EWMH support.

  • Steven

    Steven - 2012-04-06

    Bug is present on both Fedora 14 / KDE-4.5.2 (64bit) and Fedora 7 / KDE 3.5.10 (32bit)
    I have pinned it down to being introduced in wish 8.5.9, and it exists in all later wish.

    Hmm - Fed14/Gnome does not suffer this issue.

  • Tom Turkey

    Tom Turkey - 2012-04-07

    Currently Fedora 16 /KDE 4.7.4. I think it was Fedora 15 when the bug was submitted.

  • Steven

    Steven - 2012-05-23

    A work around exists inside KDE (4.5.2 at least):
    WindowBehaviour->WindowBehaviour->Advanced->Hide Utility Windows for inactive apps