Bill Zhang - 2010-07-08

Hi guys. I am only vaguely familiar with this sort of stuff, so if there is an obvious thing I'm overlooking please forgive me. I'm trying to compile tkgate 1.8.7 in mac os 10.6.4. I have xcode and all the developers tools installed and I've succeeded in compiling something (chromium) in the past. I've followed the instructions on the tkgate home page, but while running the configuration script works I get an error after entering the "make" command.

The page says it should work in Mac OSX without modification, but the site it links to for help on the matter seems to no longer exist.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.

$ cd tkgate-1.8.7
$ ./configure
(a bunch of output is here, ending with "Configuration complete - type 'make' to compile")
$ make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.