
Anonimous authentication: no login required

  • CuraHack

    CuraHack - 2011-03-04


    I'd like Tincanjokebox to work as in the demo: no login required.

    How to do this? Is it possible? Thanks!

  • John Mund

    John Mund - 2011-03-04

    Hi curahack,
    Yes, this can be done without too much trouble.  First create a user to use as the default user (probably without admin rights) using the user administration link.  Copy the userID for that user (it's listed in the user admin list of users) and then In the lib/conf.php file, uncomment the 'autoLoginUser' and set it to your default user.  Now when the site is pulled up that user is autologged in.
    This was mostly a hack for a someone who had a similar request as you and it was never really fully architected and programmed, so there are a few drawbacks.  The only way to admin the site (or even add music) is to comment the autoLoginUser back out and then log in as the admin.  Also the playlists aren't locked down so anyone can add and modify the playlists for this default user.  There may be other problems too, caveat emptor :)

    Let me know if you have requests to make this work better.


  • Abdi

    Abdi - 2013-09-07

    hi there i just installed this script very nice and thanks just wondering wanna make it demo no login and i deleted where it said autologinuser and i put the user that i created not nothing changes even clear my browsing history should i put the user ID or the username it self example it was like this.


    the user that i created is heeso and the user ID is 8
    so should i put it like this ;heeso=8; or ;heeso=; or ;8=; dont know i have tried eveything please help thanks

  • John Mund

    John Mund - 2013-09-08

    Hello Abdi,
    The ";" marks the line as a comment, so you need to delete that first. Try this:



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