
TiMidity++ / News: Recent posts

TiMidity++ 2.13.2 released

We have released TiMidity++ version 2.13.2. This is a bug fix release that fixes the compile error on Win32 platform.
All other platforms aren't affected to this, so you don't have to
update unless you are compiling TiMidity++ on Windows.

Posted by URABE, Shyouhei 2004-10-03

TiMidity++-2.13.1 released

TiMidity++ version 2.13.1 is out. This version includes various bug fixes, as well as some feature improvements such as support for libao, FLAC, Speex, and GTK+2.

Posted by URABE, Shyouhei 2004-09-29

TiMidity++-2.13.0 released

Breaking its 2 years of silence, We are very proud to announce the public release of version 2.13.0 of TiMidity++: OpenSource MIDI to WAVE converter/player.
This version of TiMidity++ contains many new features, as well as a number of other bug fixes.

Posted by URABE, Shyouhei 2004-03-28