
Request for help

  • Murali

    Murali - 2015-03-14


    I need your help about compiling timedoctor myself using eclipse.
    I use extensively timedoctor at my work. Thanks a lot for your great contribution.

    I am planning to add a feature to timedoctor which actually reads a timedoctor data file which is continuously written by timedoctor program in my embedded device.

    This will help me to give a "heart beat" type log for each and every nano second on go.

    Flow is like

    Embedded device having timedoctor keeps writing to timedoctor-data file in nfs mounted directory -> From that directory, the timedoctor (eclipse) reads the file and display as the data comes.

    I am planning to modify timedoctor code to add above feature.

    I would like to know if this is possible with existing code ?

    Thank you,

    • Martijn Rutten

      Martijn Rutten - 2015-03-15

      Hi Murali,

      Nice to hear TimeDoctor is useful for you. For my curiosity, in what
      company and platform do you use it?

      Parsing the .tdi file continuously would be a great addition to TimeDoctor.

      The parser is very simple and resides in its own plugin, so you can replace
      this with your own implementation. The Eclipse framework has quite good
      support for having a background process to check file changes and parse

      The largest task would be to implement some sort of memory management.
      Right now, the full trace is read in memory at the start. To limit memory
      you would have to build some sort of caching mechanism, reading only the
      data that is requested from the views (and a bit of look ahead for

      If have very little time available myself, but let me know of I can help.

      On Mar 15, 2015 12:24 AM, "Murali" wrote:


      I need your help about compiling timedoctor myself using eclipse.
      I use extensively timedoctor at my work. Thanks a lot for your great

      I am planning to add a feature to timedoctor which actually reads a
      timedoctor data file which is continuously written by timedoctor program in
      my embedded device.

      This will help me to give a "heart beat" type log for each and every nano
      second on go.

      Flow is like

      Embedded device having timedoctor keeps writing to timedoctor-data file in
      nfs mounted directory -> From that directory, the timedoctor (eclipse)
      reads the file and display as the data comes.

      I am planning to modify timedoctor code to add above feature.

      I would like to know if this is possible with existing code ?

      Thank you,

      Request for help

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  • Murali

    Murali - 2015-03-15

    Hi Martjin,

    I work for a major Media Broadcastor in UK. Not sure if I can reveal the name :).
    Is there any personal email id which I can contact you.

    Thanks for your inputs. I work mostly on Linux and Device driver stuff. So, eclipse, plugins etc are new to me. Its been a while I have worked on Java. So, need to refresh my Java skills as well.

    Currently, I was able to view sample.tdi file in eclipse by using the documentation in timedoctor.I need to know which files I need to modify. Still searching for it. If you can point me right direction, that would be great.

    Thank you,

    • Martijn Rutten

      Martijn Rutten - 2015-03-15

      Hi Murali,

      Download Eclipse luna for RCP and RAP developers and a matching JDK.

      In Eclipse. File->Import->Git->Projects from Git > Clone URI > paste:
      git clone
      Import all as existing projects.

      To build TimeDoctor as stand-alone tool:
      net.timedoctor.feature.workbench > workbench.product > Overview tab >
      Eclipse export product wizard.

      The parser is in the plugin: net.timedoctor.core.parser, filling in
      the data in net.timedoctor.core.model.

      Martijn (

      On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 11:59 AM, Murali wrote:

      Hi Martjin,

      I work for a major Media Broadcastor in UK. Not sure if I can reveal the
      name :).
      Is there any personal email id which I can contact you.

      Thanks for your inputs. I work mostly on Linux and Device driver stuff. So,
      eclipse, plugins etc are new to me. Its been a while I have worked on Java.
      So, need to refresh my Java skills as well.

      Currently, I was able to view sample.tdi file in eclipse by using the
      documentation in timedoctor.I need to know which files I need to modify.
      Still searching for it. If you can point me right direction, that would be

      Thank you,

      Request for help

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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  • Murali

    Murali - 2015-03-16

    Thanks a lot Martjin. Will follow as suggested.



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