
Index fails to do anything

  • tim garland

    tim garland - 2008-03-05

    I don't understand what's going on... I've installed PHP and MYSQL, and have what I believe properly gone through the install, but what I get is a blank screen when I enter index.php.

    I've done the standard debug tracking to find where it's halting, cause I can't find a place where a error log is...

    anyway... this is the section i've narrowed it to:

    Located inside Header.php:
    (roughly around line 35 to 40ish)

          // connect to db anc check for correct db version //

          echo '000    checking database version.....';  <debug line>

          @ $db = mysql_pconnect($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_password);

          echo ' .. wehrere  oh where am i?';  <debug line>

          if (!$db) {echo "Error: Could not connect to the database. Please tr<truncated>

    Can anyone give suggestions?  I'm new to db programing, but the issue looks like it has to do with the "@ $db = mysql_pconnect" line because it never gets to the "echo where am I?" statement.  No on screen errors are produced either.  Is there another place to check for errors?



  • mathias nørtoft

    did you find a solution for this?


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