
#121 RSS tag always skips first entry


I noticed that one of my RSS feeds that I put on a page
has 2 entries - but the wiki only presents one line.

I don't have max coded.

I found the problem in tikilib.php.

Search for "rsslist".

The next line reads:

for ($j = 1; $j < count($items) && $j < $max; $j++) {

This should read:

for ($j = 0; $j < count($items) && $j < $max; $j++) {

(0 instead of 1 in initial assignment).

This fixed the problem for me.


  • Philippe Cloutier

    Logged In: YES

    I guess we should trust you if you say it, since I already
    saw that a couple of times too I think.
    Could a dev that has an idea of what he's doing commit this?

  • Philippe Cloutier

    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Philippe Cloutier

    • labels: 544454 -->
    • milestone: 320287 -->
    • summary: RSS tag always skips first entry - here is fix --> RSS tag always skips first entry
  • Philippe Cloutier

    Logged In: YES

    BTW Jason powers said on original bug
    [ 867299 ] RSS Feed Chomps First Line If displayed in center

    I'm running the new 1.8RC and I wanted to have a page
    with a table of rss modules. I put it here:

    On that page you can see the first module listed in the
    center area "Mike's Baseball Rants" has a corresponding
    box on the right column. That RSS feed is set to update
    every 2 hours. The person who runs that site updates it
    once per weekday like clockwork.

    1. The RSS module doesn't update itself, despite using
    the system's own rss link

    2. The RSS lis tint he center does not display the top
    entry in the rss list, ie. if there's 15 entries it
    shows 14 and skips the newest one.

    I'm looking at the templates and such to see if there's
    any reason for this, but I didn't write the code, so
    maybe you know what it could be. I searched for RSS in
    the bug tracking database and found no other bugs
    referring to this issue.

    The display problems occur in both IE and Mozilla, the
    update problem has to be server-side anyway.


    Jason Powers

  • Marc Laporte

    Marc Laporte - 2004-06-11
    • assigned_to: nobody --> ohertel
    • status: open-accepted --> open
  • Marc Laporte

    Marc Laporte - 2004-06-11

    Logged In: YES

    Oliver, can you solve and close this?


    M ;-)

  • Oliver Hertel

    Oliver Hertel - 2004-06-11
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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