
#9 Module to list other Registered Tiki

Al Brown

With the ability to send and receive pages between Tiki/s it
would be nice to know about and be in regular contact with
other Tiki/s.

Perhaps a module in the basic distribution that could be
syndicated via RSS that would be a list of links to other Tiki

The thought is that this module can run on any Tiki site if
selected via the admin optiions. A site operator from
another site Registers her/his Tiki in that module. Maybe,
based on Last updated or something then the Site
percolates to the top of of the list (ordered by last updated).

If I syndicate the Sites feed from the the demo site then the
sites registered at my site and the demo site would both be
listed. If the Demo site in turn syndicates from me then the
sites registered on my site and the demo are listed on the

The current site would not show in the list of registered sites
when the list is being displayed on that site.

If there are more sites listed than the admin allows for the
module block then there would be a link that would display a
page listing all the sites by last updated.

If a site has been out of contact (for some set piece of time
10 days 30 days, or admin defineable per site? ...) perhaps
the module should drop the site from the list. Perhaps the
default update cycle would be 6 hours

Additional thoughts, Perhaps when a site registers as
another Tiki on some site then there is an automagical
exchange between the sites that would be a sharing of each
other's Registered sites. If this was an Admin option it
would immediately connect with the demo site and establish
it's self? There is no display of the list unless the Admin
adds the module to the site but the site would still be
registered and potentially receive the registrations of other
sites from wher ever it is syndicated from. If the Admin
does not select this function then it doesn't register and
does not communicate with any other site.

This would make for very rapid community building. The
round robin replication of the sites would keep the
community list fresh. This would also encourage people to
visit other Tiki and see what is there.


  • Dennis Daniels

    Dennis Daniels - 2003-01-09

    Logged In: YES

    sharing tiki data could be very useful when a number of
    quizzes or tests have been created. sharing tiki resources
    would reduce the need for recreating content.


  • Marc Laporte

    Marc Laporte - 2003-04-05

    Logged In: YES

    I like it!!

    P2P meets webrings!

    M ;-)

  • Al Brown

    Al Brown - 2003-07-07
    • labels: --> Administration
  • Al Brown

    Al Brown - 2003-07-07
    • milestone: --> New_Feature
  • Thomas

    Thomas - 2003-08-19

    Logged In: YES

    Would it be possible to extend this to individual users?
    That would be like Tiki adopting the concept of what Groove
    ( does. With Groove, if the user
    allows it, any Groove user can contact any other Groove user.

    Groove is a collaboration application. Perhaps Tiki could
    extend the Workflow module to include Groove-like functionality.

    Lastly, this could possibly be the creation of an extended
    TikiWiki chat/messaging community.

  • Philippe Cloutier

    Logged In: YES

    Hey, this looks a bit like what I wrote at ShareUserProfileDev.
    Yes, the name wouldn't make that predictable, but well, I
    didn't know I would write as much when I started the page :)
    I listed this RFE there.


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