
#11 Local publication problems



Since 1.0b3 it is very difficult for me to publish my
weblog (on windows XP SP2, Java 1.5.0_01).

I publish it on a virtual disk (H:) that is actually a
webDav disk (via novell's NetDrive).

All works fine with 1.0b2. But with the 1.0b3 I was
absolutely unable to publish my blog. I went back to
1.0b2 and it worked fine.
Now with the 1.0b4 the publication works, but is
dramatically slow (it took me more than 5 minutes to
complete it, with 1.0b2 it was perhaps 10 or 20 seconds
depending on how much pages needed to be updated).

What is going wrong ? Is it a regression ? A new bug ?
Or a problem with my computer ?


  • Bob Tantlinger

    Bob Tantlinger - 2005-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    Does the slowness occur before any output shows up in the
    publish dialof... e.g is it stuck on "Connecting to server?"
    Or is it slow in copying the files to the H: drive?

    Do you have the "Entry Pages" feature enabled?

    How many entries would you estimate your blog contains?

    If you're not using the default templates, could you post them?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    It seems like there was some server problems...

    For 1.0b3 I just read there was a problem with the calendar
    in the Category template (I have a calendar there). Now the
    publication is normally fast, I think my server just had
    some problems the day I tried 1.04b. Sorry for the annoyance.


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